Chapter Eighteen

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I slowly peeled my eyes open, blinking slowly, the bright, fake, sun making me lowly groan from how bright it was. I felt Clove shift, still in my arms, breathing slowly, indicating she was still asleep.

I looked to the fire or, rather, what was left of it at that point. It had long turned into ash and embers, no sort of warmth coming from it (not that we needed it, with the sun back up).

I knew we had to get up and keep moving, before a tribute came along, deciding to take advantage of their sleeping forms. I'm honestly surprised no one tried anything last night, it must've been this game's version of a gold mine.

We must've been sleeping for quite a while, which, again, is surprising. The sun was already far up in the sky, showing it was a bit after mid-day.

I swallowed thickly, becoming aware of how dry my mouth is, and how we lacked any water. Though, I do recall, in the backpacks, there are water bottles.

I lied there for a moment, pondering if I should go looking for water myself, or take someone.

Though, it was almost like the decision was made for me. I squinted, looking above the trees, seeing something black rising in the sky.

I slowly sat up, eyes focused on what it was...smoke.

Clove had begun to stir at my movement, opening her eyes slowly.

"What are you doing?" She rasped, confused when I didn't look at her. She turned over, looking where I was. She also saw the black smoke rising, in a large cloud, from a certain part of the arena.

"What the hell..." she muttered under her breath.

"We need to go check it out, there could very well be tributes there." I spoke up, Clove looking at me like I'm crazy.

"You want to head for that cloud of smoke?" She reiterated, me nodding.

"Who knows, it may be bitch on fire." I smirked, seeing her eyes darken in resentment, at the mention of her.

She nodded her head, "Well, let's get everyone up."

Once we all were up, we b-lined right for the black cloud of smoke, which hadn't died down in the slightest.

I was having a bit of trouble running, becoming aware of my throat, which was growing more and more itchy with thirst. As we ran, I took notice of a lake to our left.

"Hey!" I called, getting their attention, looking to the lake, "I need water." I slowed down, not able to take the insatiable itch in my throat any longer.

Glimmer sighed and rolled her eyes, "Always have to complain about something." She snide, eliciting a sharp glare out of me.

"Perhaps you forgot-" I walked closer to her, Peeta and Marvel looking between us both, me grabbing my knife from its holster, "-but dehydration can kill just as easy as if I put this knife between your eyes." I gripped the handle tighter, her looking to my hand then back up to my eyes, a hint of fear showing on her face.

"Okay, break it up." Cato got between us, shoving us both apart by our chests. I gave him a sharp glare too, for getting between us.

I sighed, putting my knife away, turning back towards the body of water I saw.

"Let's get water, then we can head towards the smoke." I spoke, loud and clear, leaving no room for debate. I started walking, everyone else following, not saying a word, not even Glimmer.

As we walked, I took my backpack off, getting out the water-bottle that they'd ever so kindly put in there, empty.

Though, as we got closer, I saw movement in the lake...before someone emerged.

Four Leaf CloverOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora