Chapter Six

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It was now the second day of training, there would be the first exercise that would help the Gamemaker and potential sponsors gauge our abilities and strength. It was an obstacle course, one that would test arm strength and basic physical strength.

It consisted of a rope climb, which was about 20 feet into the air, a very high form of swinging monkey bars (which very well could hurt you if you fell from this height), and then a single wire from one high platform to the other, like a sort of tightrope.

There looked to be only one way to complete it, the correct way. Though the more I observed it, there could be a few ways to get through this successfully, while highlighting your strengths.

We were instructed to line up by Districts, young to oldest.

Up first was Glimmer, then Marvel, who both succeeded, passing the classic way. When they got to the tightrope, they both got down and shimmied on it.

The other District One people went, both failing when it got to the tightrope and monkey bar area.

Next was us, District Two.

First up was Felix, who was 14.

He failed. He had done horribly on the rope climb up.

I shook my head; he isn't going to make it.

Next was Clove, her being just a few months younger than me.

I watched as she climbed the rope with ease, though I knew she lacked much arm strength. She was nimble, not necessarily the strongest.

When it got to the monkey bars, there were two large beams that the monkey bars hung from, her observing them. She quickly made her way over to one of them, grabbing on and climbing up, until she was standing on top of the beam, walking across them with ease.

I must admit, she was smart for noticing that.

Then when she reached the tightrope, she stepped a foot on, holding her arms out, balancing.

We all held our breathes as she moved on foot in front of the other, all wondering if she would fall.

Luckily not, she made it across, and in a fashion no one else had yet.

I was next.

I walked up to the rope, grabbing on and hoisting myself up, making up to the first platform easily. I then debated if I wanted to do it like Clove just did, or if I was to do it how they wanted us to.

I decided to do the latter, grabbing the first grip firmly, before jumping off, swinging to the next grip, my other hand grabbing it firmly. I'm glad I have thickly calloused hands, otherwise this would hurt like a bitch.

I kept my momentum and swung to the next one, my arms and shoulders slightly burning when I got to the end. Once I did make it, I was face to face with the tightrope.

I know for a fact I'm not light enough on my feet or have enough vertigo to be able to do what Clove did. Well, I'll have to get across like Glimmer and Marvel did.

I got down, grabbing the wire firmly, again, being thankful for my callouses. I slowly got onto the wire, before hanging upside down, holding on with one leg over the wire, both hands on the wire. I shuffled my way to the end, pulling myself up with my burning arms to get up onto the last platform.

I succeeded.

From there, I watched the other Tributes go, overall Cato, Katniss, Clove, Glimmer, Marvel, Thresh, Rue, and me were the only ones who'd pass. Significant ones who failed being Peeta, Foxface, and Felix, the others not being good enough to name in my opinion.

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