Chapter Sixteen

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Right when I was lifted, I looked up, seeing the bright, fake, sun shining down on me. Despite my knowing it was fake, it sure felt real. The warmth, though the slightly cold breeze that I could feel more and more as I rose higher.

Eventually, my head was above ground, I immediately took notice of the cornucopia. It was filled with goodies, ranging from the best weapons the Capitol had to offer, to backpacks (which no doubt had other essentials in them) and food, which were essential to survival.

Once I was almost completely above ground, I looked around, all 48 Tributes looking around. Some looked like they were going to throw up, some looked somewhat confident, and some looked angry or sad.

I didn't focus on that, looking around, immediately, for Clove. I spotted her, she was next to two random Tributes, her spotting me too. She nodded her head firmly, looking to the cornucopia, me nodding back to show me understanding.

I looked around at the Tributes next to me, one was already looking at me, looking scared shitless. The other next to me...Katniss Everdeen. I saw her give me a side eye before looking right at the cornucopia, which I guessed to be the bow and arrow.

I felt my heart racing, the number above the Capital showing the countdown.


Water is your best friend.


Don't be reckless.


Get to the Cornucopia first.


Slaughter Tributes so the others can get weapons.


Be careful who to trust.


I got into position to sprint, slightly leaning forward, putting my dominant foot in front.


Don't feel anything for these Tributes.


Don't get killed.


Protect Clove.


It was deafening.

I didn't even hear the buzzer go off, everyone breaking into a sprint all at the same time.

I didn't need anything at the cornucopia, so I immediately split off to the nearest Tributes.


I snapped a girl's neck, her falling limp, a loud cannon going off. I felt some sort of exhilaration filling me, I got the first kill in.

I looked up, adrenaline pumping through me like the most addictive drug, sprinting for the older male about to get to the cornucopia.

I kicked his back, sending him slamming into the wall of the cornucopia. He'd fallen to his knees, turning his head, to look at me. His nose leaking red, though I didn't hesitate, delivering a sharp kick to his head. Another cannon, I snapped his neck.

I looked towards the cornucopia, another cannon going off. All careers reached the cornucopia, grabbing their ideal weapons, joining me in killing Tributes.

They were being swatted like flies; the ones dumb enough to come to the cornucopia. The ones who turned and ran for the forested area were the smarter ones.

I saw a knife resting on one of the boxes, before breaking into a sprint for it. Right as I was about to grab it, I saw someone charging at me, holding an axe. He looked scared, I saw him hesitate, he isn't a killer.

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