Chapter Ten

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Today we went back to training, Cato approaching me.

"Hey El." He caught up to me, walking next to me, me looking at him. It had been so long since he called me that, "I was wondering if you wanted to train with me today, since we haven't been able to spend as much time together."

I pondered it for a moment, before shrugging, it couldn't hurt anything.

"Sure." I agreed, Cato smiling at my agreement. "What did you want to train in?" I questioned, it wasn't like we could spar, they'd say to save it for the arena.

"I need help in survival tactics." He responded, "Specifically how to dress wounds."

I nodded; I had a bit of knowledge I could pass to him. It wasn't like that would particularly give him any kind of advantage over me if I taught him.

We walked over to the area with realistic mannequins, with varying injuries and cloth patches on the mannequins, for us to practice sutures.

I bent down, Cato doing so too, me turning the mannequin over, so he could see one of the wounds.

I grabbed a needle and spool of string, not sterile, but realistic to the game. We wouldn't have any kind of sterile needles or string to fix ourselves up.

I showed him how to do the most basic form of sutures, continuous sutures.

I handed him the spool and needle, directing him to another wound where these types of sutures would work.

"So-" Cato spoke up, unraveling the string some, "-how confident are you feeling about the games?"

I looked up from watching his hands word, narrowing at my eyes at the question.

"I'm feeling alright about it. Just have to be smart." I answered simply, Cato nodding his head.

"Yeah, but how are you feeling about killing?" Cato questioned, me once more looking up to meet his eyes, there was an odd glint in them.

"You know how I feel about it." I answered, "I still refuse to kill any young tributes." I looked down at his hands, though he'd stopped working.

Cato laughed at my answer, puzzling me. Did I say something funny?

When he'd stopped laughing, and saw my serious face, he made a confused face, a smile of disbelief resting on his face, "You don't actually believe that do you?"

I was puzzled, what?

"What do you mean?" I asked, some offence in my voice, "Yes I believe that."

Cato's smile slowly slipped off of his face, as he studied my face, realizing I am completely serious, "El-" He scoffed, "-you can't be serious right now. You can't afford to be thinking like this."

I couldn't hide my shock anymore, looking up at him.

"What?" Was the only word I could get out.

My brown eyes studied his, looking at his entire face, almost as though I was looking for something.

"El, come on." Cato scoffed once more, getting a bit angry, "This is the Hunger Games, if you actually want to win, you have to abandon your morals."

What the hell? How could he tell me to abandon my morals? He knew that I stick to them strictly.

I shook my head slowly, not believing what he is saying to me.

"How could you say that to me?" I asked, my face becoming a scowl.

"Say what? Telling you to abandon your morals?" He questioned, getting angrier, "El, you know what you'll have to do, to win. You can't be discriminating Tributes like this!" His voice was slightly raising.

Who does he think he is?

"Morals are all that separate us from animals, the only thing that keeps you human." I responded, trying to keep my voice level, to not cause a scene.

He shook his head, "No, Ellie, if you want to survive, you can't be thinking like that."

I studied his face a bit more, something about him felt foreign. I could see him getting angrier, not pleased with my answers.

"Are you saying you'll kill a twelve-year-old for the sake of the game?" I questioned, my voice not hiding my disgust, my disdain.

"Yes!" Cato shouted, it echoing throughout the training area, catching other tribute's attention, including peacekeepers.

I looked around, seeing Clove, Rue, and a few others looking our way.

"Lower you voice." I looked back at Cato, the male's temper grabbing hold.

"No, Ellie, do you want to win or not?" He wouldn't lower his voice; he is causing a scene. He got up, looking down at me. Now I'm sure everyone was looking our way.

"You are acting like a twelve-year-old." I spat, standing up. Seeing as he was a bit taller than me, I had to crane my neck up, slightly.

I saw a flush of red coming onto his face, from anger.

"What did you just say?" He seethed, me getting into his face.

"You are acting like a fucking child." I enunciated each word, letting them sink in.

Cato quickly placed both of his hands on my shoulders, shoving me away from him.

Normally, I can reign in my anger, but I couldn't. I felt a searing rip of anger in my chest.

Rue's POV

I watched as Cato shoved Ellie, her face turning into one of rage.

I saw some peacekeepers starting to walk their way, but not fast enough. I hid behind a tree, waiting to see how Ellie would react.

With no hesitation, Ellie delivered a kick to his side, causing him to grunt in pain.

Their fight full on erupted from there, every other tribute in here watching them. I looked over to the knives station, I could one of the other District Two Tributes, the other female, she looked concerned. That's new, from what I've observed, she's usually apathetic.

I followed her line of sight; she wasn't looking at the Cato...she was looking at her.

Ellie's POV

Cato was quick to tackle me, me putting my arm against his neck, preventing him from getting any closer. He was between my legs, me hooking my feet behind his back, using the momentum of the tackle to flip him back.

I turned onto my side, a scowl on my face, Cato looking up from where he was on his stomach, only a few feet away.

Quickly, peacekeepers got between us.

"Break it up! There will be plenty of time to fight in the arena!" They shouted, pulling us both apart.

I yanked my arms away from the peacekeepers, them letting it happen.

Cato, on the other hand, was still fighting, rage and malicious intent in his eyes.

That's when it hit me, being this close to him. I could tell why he seemed so foreign.

I spoke just loud enough to where he could hear me.

"You're not the same person I befriended Cato."

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