Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Clove. Terror in her voice, a plea for help, a cry for me.

I ran faster, somehow, closing in on the cornucopia, coming around to see Thresh holding Clove off the ground, pulling her away from the cornucopia, about to slam her into it.

Time seemed to slow, in that moment, the only thing I could hear being my racing heartbeat in my ears. My body moving before my mind could register anything other than that, though there was one thing that my mind did make sense of.

Save Clove.

I quickly pulled my knife from its sheath, stabbing it into his back. Though, I must've missed heart, seeing as he didn't drop. I can't drive the knife into him as hard as I normally would've been able, with the infection giving me a fever and weaking me significantly.

Though, luckily, it was enough for him to drop Clove, who was panting for air, terror shown in her eyes.

Thresh turned to face me, me backing up, trying to lead him away from Clove. He bit into the bait, an enraged look coming onto his face. He immediately charged for me, me stepping to my left, putting my weight onto my left leg (despite the pain I felt), using my non-injured leg to sweep his feet.

He stumbled, falling to his knees. I almost got a flashback of something like this happening in training before the games. I used the same move as I did on the trainer. I quickly got up on his shoulders, locking my thighs around neck.

Thresh didn't quite recover as fast as the trainer did, stumbling to his feet. He brought his hands up, trying to pry my thighs from around his neck. I used my elbow, slamming it onto his head, trying to get him to fall.

Thresh stumbled back, Clove still in shock, not even moving when Thresh came closer. He slammed his back on the cornucopia, hitting my back on it, causing a gasp of pain to come out of me, loosening up just for a moment. Though, this was enough for Thresh to pry my legs off, pushing me back.

I fell to the ground, grunting when I made contact with it, feeling pain shoot through my leg as I fell on my left side. I hardly had time to react to the pain when I felt pressure on my neck.

Thresh got on top of me, sitting on my waist, digging his forearm into my neck. I felt my airway shutting, panic going through me, not sure what to do. There is no way I can get out of this and beat him, based on brute strength alone.

I felt my heart racing, panicking, was this how I go out? This can't be. I quickly wracked my brain, feeling him apply more pressure, I felt a bit lightheaded.

Then, I remembered what the trainer had told me.

"Well, generally, your chances of escaping at that point are slim to none, I'd recommend trying to avoid getting in that situation. But if that is to happen, go for the soft spots, such as eyes, ears, and other cartilage."

His advice rang through my head, gritting my teeth, forcing myself to stay awake. I reached up, grabbing onto his ear, him narrowing his eyes...and I yanked with all my strength.

He cried out in pain, the pressure on my neck disappearing as both of his hands went to his, now, missing ear. I had torn it off using all my strength, quickly throwing it into the grass somewhere.

I then looked to Clove, who was watching, still petrified. The only other time I'd seen her like this, was when we were 14, that day I protected her. I knew that Thresh would definitely be going on a rampage, and that wouldn't keep him occupied for too long.

Clove's POV

A moment after Ellie stabs Thresh.

My hearing was muffled, the only thing I could really hear was my fast heartbeat. I was hyperventilating, what was this?

My eyes were focusing and unfocusing. I feel sick, nausea rising in me, yet not enough for me to think I'm going to throw up. My hands felt numb, my hand over my heart, feeling the rapid thumping of it against my chest. A cold sweat coated my forehead, even though I'm not hot.

My entire body is shaking, I can't stop it. I need to help Ellie, but I can't focus, I can't get myself to move. Even though I know I need to, I can't, I can't move. I'm...scared. This is the same feeling I felt that day, the day Ellie protected me.

I remember hiding behind her, trembling, too scared to move then. I forced my eyes up, looking to Ellie...she's fighting...for me. Again.

I clenched my hand on my shirt, above my heart, frustration rising in me. Nothing has changed. I'm still the same weak, scared, little girl inside, even after 4 years.

I'm no different, I can't protect her, I can't...I can't do it.

My eyes darted around, my body still in this state, gulping thickly. Despite taking in such quick breaths, no matter how many I take, it never felt like enough. I felt lightheaded, what's wrong with me?


What? Was that Ellie?

My eyes darted to her, she was on the ground, twisting her body, turning back to look at me. I then looked up at Thresh, he was crying out in pain, clutching his ear.

I then looked back down at Ellie. She was something, though it was muffled, my mind not registering what was saying. She looked panicked, waving her arm, signaling something.

Ellie's POV

I twisted, looking back, my bottom half still being pinned by Thresh, looking at Clove. She was staring off into nowhere, her hand clenching her shirt. I could see her hyperventilating; she's having a panic attack.

"Clove!" I shouted, her brown eyes darting to me. Despite her looking at me, her eyes seemed hazed, not really focusing. "Run! Get away!" I waved my arm, trying to signal for her to leave.

She wasn't reacting, looking up at Thresh then back to me.

Clove's POV

I looked up at Thresh, him removing his hands from the side of his head, blood coating his hands. He looked down at Ellie, I could see the rage in his eyes.

Ellie turned back to him, time slowing down.

I knew if I didn't move now, Ellie was going to die. That thought made me force myself up, time still moving slow, my hand reaching for my knife on my vest, pulling it out.

My arm was shaking, as I forced my eyes to focus. I can't afford to miss.

I brought my arm back, eyes laser-focused on one spot, his chest, where his heart is.

I heard myself exhale, before flicking my wrist.

Ellie's POV

I shut my eyes, after seeing Thresh look down at me with pure rage. Fuck, I'm going to die. I brought my arms to my head, trying to shield myself, waiting for the killing blow...but it never came.

I opened my eyes, confused, before seeing Thresh looking down, at his own chest. I looked down, eyes widening when I saw it. A knife sticking out of his chest.

Blood started to stain his shirt, him looking up to the person who threw it, though I didn't need to. I knew who it was.

I took this as my chance, squirming and getting out from underneath the hulking male. I forced myself to my feet, stumbling back when I felt a sharp pain in my left leg, though still facing Thresh. He looked at me, the blood stain getting bigger, before I saw it, the life leave his eyes.


The cannon went off, him falling forward, falling still to the ground.

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