Chapter Twenty-Six

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I quickly ran through the forest, heading for the cornucopia. The only thing I could think of being Ellie's sick face, her weakening form, how she tried to hide it from me. This thought only made me run faster, trying to reach the cornucopia faster. The faster I get her medicine, the faster I can return to her.

Once I saw the cornucopia come into view, I slowed, coming to a stop, ducking into some brush. I observed this Feast.

There was a table set out in front of the, now, empty Cornucopia. On the table were six bags, each of them labeled with the number corresponding to the Tributes still alive. Two, Five, Eight, Ten, Eleven, and Twelve.

My eyes were set on the bag with a two on it, there must be medicine and other essentials inside. Luckily, it looks like Cato hasn't come to get the bag.

I looked around, there didn't seem to be any obvious traps or obstacles that would stop me from getting the bag, but I can never be too sure. I then looked around for any other Tributes, ducking lower when I saw someone run from the forest.

She had red hair, I recognize her, she is from District Five. I twitched to pull out a knife from my vest and kill her, but knew that would just give myself up, and it wouldn't be worth being seen before I had to be.

I watched as she ran right up to the table, looking around, grabbing the bag with a five on it, before continuing to sprint, back to the safety of the forest. Well, that crosses out any possible landmines or other things that could stop me from getting there in one piece.

I slowly started to get up, looking around, making sure no other Tribute's were around. I felt a bit more confident about going to get the bag...though I wasn't the only one.

I watched as someone else ran out from the forest, my eyes narrowing when I realized who it was. I felt anger fill me, watching her slowly come from the brush, before running for her bag.

Katniss Everdeen, the bitch on fire.

I felt anger starting to take over my body. Its her fault that Ellie is on the verge of giving into infection, she's the one who hurt her. I slowly raised my hand up, gripping my knife, coming out of the brush myself.

I'm going to fucking kill her.

Ellie's POV

Moments after Clove left.

I slowly peeled my eyes open, expecting to feel the familiar warmth of Clove, but...she wasn't there.

My eyes quickly snapped open, realizing she wasn't there, quickly sitting up. Where was she?

I panted, my head spinning at how fast I sat up. I feel sick, groggy, and out of it. I looked down at my leg, there being a festering infection consuming the already eyesore of a wound. If only we had medicine...wait.

I almost froze in my spot, my blood running cold. My stomach sunk, starting to piece together where she went. My heart started to speed up, I thought we agreed she wouldn't go, its not worth it, it could be a trap.

Despite my body aching, I forced myself up, gritting my teeth as I put weight onto my left leg, there being a searing pain. I quickly ignored it, the fear filling my veins bringing adrenaline, making it easier for me to walk on my leg with a little less pain.

I made sure my knife was in its sheath, tucking Felix's dagger into my waistband, near my back. I looked to the exit of the cave, some light shining in. I wasted no more time, quickly making my way towards the Cornucopia, as fast as I could.

Clove's POV

I held up a knife to bitch on fire's cheek, her squirming underneath me. I took great pleasure in seeing her squirm in pain underneath me, knowing the pain that she had inflicted upon Ellie.

"Where's loverboy?" I cooed in a fake sweet voice, Katniss grunting and jerking, trying to get out, my cold knife touching her skin, though not enough to cause a cut...that was about to change.

I dug the sharp side of my knife into her face lightly, her hissing in pain, some blood dripping from the shallow cut. I dragged it down her cheek slowly, reveling in how she had tears welling in her eyes. But...this isn't enough. She doesn't even begin to understand the pain she has inflicted on Ellie.

"You look pathetic." I spat, her squirming even harder underneath my form. "Is this how you acted when your precious loverboy died? You just cried and watched?" I dug the knife deeper, her crying out in pain, her eyes filling with rage when I mentioned Peeta's death.

She squirmed even more, but it was no use. I had her down, and I wasn't about to let her go.

"We killed him, we killed Rue-" I brought my knife to her neck, pressing it in, feeling my heart speed up, I need to end this and get the medicine, "-and you're next."

Without so much as an ounce of hesitation, I slit her throat. She hardly had time to scream before I heard a cannon go off. The bitch on fire was dead.

Though, before I could revel in the pleasure I got from seeing her suffer, I felt someone grasp the back of my shirt by my collar. My eyes widened, feeling my form be yanked, before a sharp pain in my back when I was slammed into the cornucopia wall.

Ellie's POV

I ran as fast as I could, before hearing a cannon go off. I felt my heart almost stop in my chest, was that Clove? I didn't think about it, forcing my aching body to keep going, I need to get to the cornucopia. More adrenaline filled my veins, making it easier for me to force my body to run faster.

There it is, the cornucopia coming into view. I immediately took notice of a bag on the table, with the number two on it. That made me run faster, this meant that Clove hadn't grabbed the bag and gotten away.

That's when it hit me. A noise that had sent me into panicked frenzy before. And here I was, hearing it once again...though, this time, I knew it was real.

"Ellie! Ellie, help me!"

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