1 Meeting the marauders

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"Hey Ash. You know theyre blood purists right?" Gideon whispers.

"The kind who marry their cousins," Fabian adds.

"Yeah, but theyre 12. Theyve got time to change they just need a push. 9 months without their parents influence arounds people like you and me and you might just do that," Ash reasons.

"You think we can change them?"

"No but I at least have faith in Regulus. I dont think hes as devoted and cruel as the others," I walk with the twins.

"Well they arent going to be Gryffindors, can you really be friends with people from a different house?" Fabian asks.

"Especially Slytherins?" Gideon nods.

"Im not going to be put in Gryffindor. I already know it but I hope well still be friends," Ash says.

"Of course we will, youre delightful," Fabian nods.

"Then if it doesnt matter if Im not a Gryffindor why does it matter if they arent?"

"Spose it doesnt," Fabian gives in.

"That said, I think Ill only be hanging onto Regulus and you lot," Ash smiles as she opens the girls train car, leaving the twins.

"Ash you're back," Lily greets.

"Sure am."

The rest of the train ride went by quickly and before they knew it, it was time for the sorting. Ash found her way to James. He was laughing with a group of three other boys.

"8, you?" I ask him as I take a seat.

"Just the 3," James sighs as he hands me the galleon.

"And who are you?" a boy that looked strikingly similar to Regulus asks.

"Ash. Are you Regulus's brother?"

"Regulus's brother? Regulus is my brother," Sirius scoffs.

"I'm Peter Pettigrew," a blonde boy smiles shyly.

"Remus Lupin," another brunette boy says, he had a few light scars on his face.

"Nice to meet you Peter," Ash smiles at the boy and turns her attention to the other darker haired boy, her breath catches and she could swear he was the prettiest boy she had ever seen, "...Remus."

"You're gorgeous..." Ash whispers still admiring his features. Luckily no one picked up on her words considering the great hall was so loud. She didn't even know she had said it aloud. Remus however did, how could he not with his werewolf hearing. The blush on his cheek was evident. He didn't say anything in response but only because he couldn't. He had never been called gorgeous before. He didn't mind it.

"Yeah and I'm James Potter," James smiles at his sister.

"I wouldn't have guessed that, weird name. What about you Mr. Black? Got a first name?" I bring my attention back to the dark haired boy.

"You know... if you weren't so pretty I would with hold such information after you called me Regulus's brother, but with those eyes, you can call me Sirius," Sirius winks.

I raise a brow at this introduction but before I can even think about saying anything more James jumps into action.

"Aye that's my bloody sister mate. Watch your tongue," James laughs.

"Sister?! I wouldn't have guessed that. She's much prettier than you James," Sirius says.

"I see it, same Hazel eyes," Peter says grabbing another chicken leg.

"They're very pretty," Remus felt the urge to return the compliment Ash had gave him earlier.

"You can't say that about my sister. You've all met me first, you can't date a friends sister," James explains.

"That's never stopped me," Sirius winks at Ash.

"Ash?" Lilly says with Marlene and Alice following shortly behind.

"Oh hey Lilly," I greet.

"Lilly..." James looks as though he's in a daze as he looks into Lilly's eyes.

"Right... well I think the sorting's started do you want to sit with us?" Lilly ignores the drool coming out of James's mouth.

"Yeah I'd love to." I get up to follow them.

Once Ash is out of earshot the conversation fires up again.

"I think I just met my soulmate," James sighs.

"You had better or else you've just made a fool of yourself for fawning over someone you didn't like," Sirius laughs.

"He wasn't the only one. How are you feeling Remus?" Peter smiled.

"Fine why?" Remus tilits his head in confusion.

"Don't act like you weren't avoiding eye contact and blushing like a mad man. I'd say Ash has got you wrapped around her finger," Sirius laughs an overly loud laugh.

The boy just blushed at his dinner, "I don't think so."

"I guess you're right, if anything she was the one stammering over you," Sirius teases,

"Still my sister," James interjects but it didn't have much affect since he was in his own world staring at Lilly.

About an hour later it was time for Ash to be sorted. She was just before her brother and very nervous. All of her newly made friends had been sorted into Gryffindor, except for Regulus of course.

"Ah a bright mind. Cunning and courageous. I'd say you're everything but a Hufflepuff."

"Yellow was never my color," Ash thinks.

"Slytherin? Gryffindor? Ha Ha Ha better be RAVENCLAW!" The sorting hat booms.

I get up and take my seet at the Ravenclaw table.

"I'm Xenophilius Lovegood," the boy she sat next to smiles.

"Ash Potter," I shake his hand.

And that would be her first and only Ravenclaw friend as her room mates were a bit closed off and she never did much more than sleep in her dorm.

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