Im gone

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Walking up the street, holding a plastic bag filled with various boxed foods, she couldn't help but tear up as the woman she had grown to love sped past her on a bike. The young girl watched as the brunette-haired lady road away, but not without dropping the bags and running after her. "Wait! Don't leave me, again! Please!" The cries echoed down the street but to no avail, they did not seem to reach the brunette or maybe she ignored them. The young h/c haired girl knew this was the woman's way of saying she was leaving.

Huffing as she continued to rush after her loved one, y/n tripped, causing her to look down at her injuries with a grimace. Her knees were scraped slightly but she didn't want to give up, even though she had to. The second she looked up the brunette was gone. Eyes wide and snot dripping down her nose, she curled up into a ball.


Hours passed and it soon began to rain. Y/n finally found the strength in herself to pull herself up from the rigid pavement. She looked around and realized she knew not where she was. The tears and sobs that seemed never ending had somehow stopped, only leaving her with a blank look. She was not only lost physically but now mentally. What had she done this time? Last time it was because she messed up her mother's relationship with a man that only seemed interested in y/n. Now she was unsure.

The evil thoughts began to flood her mind. Had she been too annoying? To loud? To obnoxious? To selfish? Of course..! That had to be it! She had gotten too comfy this time and became selfish. Suddenly the raindrops that had pounded against her skin stopped, making her lift her head and turn it to look over her shoulder. Finding a panting woman who held a blue umbrella with little cats on it, over Y/n's head made the girl confused. " shouldn't be out.. this late.." The woman struggled but soon found her breath and stood straighter with a kind grin. Y/n's blank stare soon cracked with now furrowed brows. She lifted a hand and pushed the umbrella back over the now-soaked woman. "Huh..?" The kind grin fell and now the woman was left with a frown. "Hm. You'll get sick if you stay out in the rain. How 'bout I buy you some ramen from the gas station over there?" The woman asked, her hair sticking to her face. She stepped closer to the girl so both of them would be partially shielded from the droplets. Y/n didn't answer, she didn't have to, her stomach did all the talking as it grumbled. She hadn't eaten in a few days since the brunette woman would always say something about dieting and forced her to not eat anything by throwing out the food that cost thousands of yen. That's why today she had bought groceries, she was starving.

"Heh, I'll take that as a yes. What's your name kid?" The woman held out her hand to the girl. "Y/n." She mumbled. The orange-haired woman grins once more. "Im Kyoko! It's nice to meet you Y/n."


"You were just like the rest of them..only more believable.."

"Y/n!" Shouts a shrill voice, causing Y/n to jump from her slumber and crawl out of the shared tent in panic. "Tohru?! What happened are you alright?" Once her eyes finally adjusted she found the brunette girl stretching up to the sun, facing away from her. Tohru giggles and turns to her friend with a grin. "Of course not, silly! But we should start heading to school." The polite girl says. Y/n deadpans and shakes her head before going back inside the tent to change.


"We have a bit of time before we need to leave. Wanna adventure?" Tohru asks the girl who smiles at her friend as she slightly tripped. "I can't. I have to bring the class votes to Makoto before he freaks out on me again." Raising her hands behind her head, sticking her elbows out, Y/n groans. "He's such an annoyance." Tohru carefully crosses a stream of water but looks back to the girl giving her a look. "Y/n." She says sternly. Sighing, "I'll see you later, ok? Have fun with your adventures, love ya!" Y/n scurries off as Tohru says her goodbyes.

After going their separate ways, Y/n was almost inside the school when she was stopped by a man with black hair. "Excuse me miss." He starts, his low feminine voice making Y/n shiver uncomfortably. She turns and he gives a fake smile to her but Y/n only gave a glare. "Did you happen to see Yuki Sohma anywhere?" He asks. Y/n only stared before turning forward and walking away. "Uh, Excuse me!" He shouts with a sneer. Her rudeness shocked him. "Listen, if you're a part of Minagawa's fan club, leave me out of it. Now, I'm busy, goodbye." She says with a serious tone. Her glare not faltering as she left.

Many found it scary how she would act all tough and serious but act all sweet when Tohru was with her. Tohru was the only one Y/n would ever show anything but disrespect. It's not like Y/n would only show Tohru kindness if she had other friends, but Tohru was Y/n's only friend. The reason was, she was too awkward before she and another person could get to know each other. She found it hard to be herself without making others uncomfortable, so she gave up on friends. The only other person who'd be closest to being friends with Y/n is Minagawa. It started with Minagawa thinking Y/n was using her status to be with Yuki but soon found that Y/n became student Vice president because she wanted to make Tohru proud. Minagawa found herself admiring Y/n and tried to talk to her more. Y/n kept Minagawa at a distance sadly due to her obsession with Yuki Sohma.

"Disrespectful brat." He mutters before turning to the black car.

Sliding the door open with a slam, Y/n found Makoto leaning over his desk with a deranged look, as he stared down at the wooden top. "Keep staring like that and Yuki's gonna run away." She mumbles and walked over to the desk, dropping the class votes on it. Makoto cries out in shock at her words. "Y/n/n! You're such a meanie!" He says dramatically making Y/n hold back a smile. "Yeah, yeah, whatever. There are the class votes. I gotta go." Y/n says while shaking her head.

Sliding the door shut she turned to walk to the courtyard to get to class. She thought she could try finishing some of her homework from the night before. Last night she forgot since she was doing Tohru's. Tohru works night shifts so Y/n didn't want Tohru stressing to finish her homework. Though Y/n needed to keep good grades to keep the student vice president's status.

Once outside she was stopped, "Y/n!" The annoying voice cries making Y/n freeze. Minagawa, the owner of the voice, calls out again. "Y/n! Tell these girls they are not to be near our precious Yuki!" Minagawa whines, holding Y/n's arm. Y/n sweat drops and awkwardly shifts her eyes to meet the said boys who had already been looking at her. "Uh.. what?" She was confused but shook her head in annoyance. "Vice Prez! Please!" Minagawa's complaints earned a glare from the H/c.

"Minagawa. He's not some object. He isn't yours, and neither is he yours." She begins and then looks over to the girls who tried touching Yuki. The girls huff and cross their arms. "Get to class and get your grades up. Stop ogling over a boy. It's creepy and gross." Y/n says with a disgusted look causing everyone, including Minagawa to shout in embarrassment before running off. The disgusted look turned back into a blank look when she looked over to the prince. "Thanks." He smiles at her with some sort of false happiness. Y/n rolls her eyes and crosses her arms. "If you aren't happy, then don't smile. Faking a smile is insulting." She says and turns to walk away only to get stopped by Yuki, his smile gone. "W-Wait! I don't think we've met." He didn't try grabbing her shoulder or even touching her, only raising a hand barely in the air. Y/n turns once again and meets his gaze. Her e/c eyes shifted ever so slightly in embarrassment. "Uh..well...I'm Y/n l/n." She mutters, unsure of why she was being awkward, she was usually more composed. His eyes were like grey clouds during a storm, his emotions were almost hard to read but still, Y/n could see the pain he held behind them. "I'm Yuki Sohma. It's nice to meet you." He bows and only continues to stare at her with a soft expression.

Not knowing what else to do, she nods and sweats uncomfortably. "Um, okay." She turns and then leaves.

"Huh..?" Yuki's frown twitched upwards at the girl before shaking his head and sighing. He found it confusing how she could act so tough but so awkward at the same time.


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