f i f t y - e i g h t

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you instantly freeze as the metal door slowly opens, following a man coming inside the small dark room where you and Jake are

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you instantly freeze as the metal door slowly opens, following a man coming inside the small dark room where you and Jake are.

the man stops in his tracks right in front of you, only to realize that it's


"J-jungwon, w-what are you doing i-in here?" your voice stutters while looking up, directly into his eyes, but he doesn't budge.

"w-what does t-this mean?" your mind begins to overthink as you watch him make backward steps going to Jake and standing beside him.

"I am sorry, Y/n, But I had to"  he mutters while his head looks down.

and that's when your blood starts to boil, your mind is filled with so many things and you couldn't even think further, but your theory is.

he betrayed you.

your heart instantly shatters while thinking of it, both of them stare at you like you're a stranger but you ignored him as tears began to flow down your cheeks.

you trusted him so much and he just

betrayed you with Jake.

"w-why?" is what you were able to speak out, there are so many things that you want to tell him, but you couldn't have the courage and just say why.

You never thought that he'd do something like this to you, never, you trusted him your whole heart and you don't know what else he said to Jake but you know that it's bad.

"do you think he'd team up with you? no baby" Jake looks directly into your eyes with a matching devilish smirk and tilts his head but still is looking at you.

"you poisoned his mind" you concluded.

you know Jungwon, he could never betray you but seeing him makes it unbelievable.

"maybe you weren't able to fulfill his needs so he decided to team up with me instead" he laughs like a devil while staring at you pityful.

"I am s-sorry Y/n, I needed the money, my mother is sick and she needed money for o-operation" his voice stutters and it sounds shaky.

but you stayed frozen while staring into his watery eyes which is close to tearing up, you knew him from the very start you really did.

"h-how dare you betray me" tears began to flow down even more on your cheeks, he bites his lower lip while looking at you too, then flinches his head to the side.

even he couldn't bare seeing you cry.

"now Jungwon, would you do the honor?" Jake asks.

you look at Jake and back at Jungwon back and forth, what is he planning to do? 

Jungwon freezes when a loud police siren is heard outside the place.


"Oh shit, they figured it out!" Jake begins to panic and dashes himself out of the room, trying to get away.

now all is left in the room is you and Jungwon, he helps you untie yourself from the metallic chair and hugs you tightly and you did the same thing.

you wipe your so called fake tears and so did he, both of you laughed as you witness Jake finally getting arrested by the polices.

it was a satisfying moment for your eyes.

"great acting skills" Jungwon compliments you with a smile.

"excuse me, you did so much better" you tell Jungwon and you both did a high five.


after Jake got arrested by the polices, you finally freshen yourself up and so did Jungwon,  finally knowing that he got arrested was a huge satisfying moment for your eyes and you couldn't even stop smiling.

"you did so well, I 'm proud of you" You tell Jungwon who was still wiping his tears.

but he doesn't say anything but instead he looks at you sadly.

"why? what's wrong?" you ask him.

"it's just that, Jake was my childhood bestfriend, and it hurts to see him getting taken away by the polices, I couldn't even believe that he'd do such a thing like this, it breaks me" more tears were flowing in his eyes.

you admit that you still feel bad for Jungwon, Jake really was his friend for a very long time and seeing him gettign taken away wasn't really a good moment for hi.

"both of you were my friends, but I decided to do what's right" 

you hug Jugwon who is already a crying mess, you place a palm on his back to calm him down.

this was a hard decision for him, but you're there to support him anyhow.

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