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Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.


your mouth instantly drops at his words as you feel a loud and huge pang on your heavy chest, your eyes start to lower as tears began to stream down your face.

"N-no, Professor y-you m-must b-be joking!"  you say funnily but Professor just stares at you in sadness, it's obvious to his ears that you're trying to hide the sadness in your voice.

"professor, Tell me you're j-joking!" you try to shake his shoulders for him to confirm that it was a joke.

but he gives you a sorrowful look, it's clear to see that you loved him so much to the point where it's unbelievable to know that he has died.

"P-please!" you cry out as you try to hide it all but you ended up crying into his arms.

"I am sorry Y/n," he says in his softest voice as you hug him even tighter.

your heart instantly shatters just by hearing his only reply to you, you couldn't believe it as you cry more and more.

he didn't add any more words as he surrounds his arms all around you, tears completely taking over your whole face until you have trouble breathing.

your body starts to shake so much as Professor Hope tries to calm you down by patting your back with his palm but it isn't helping.

"Y-you're joking, t-tell me you are!" you stutter but you try your hardest to ask him one last time.

his sad eyes give you the answer and he nods his head no, you instantly threw your pencil case across the room as the things inside it fly in 15 different directions but luckily no one got hurt since all of them have left.

you make your hard into a fist as you couldn't believe it

"I was just seeing him a few weeks ago and now y-you're telling me that h-he" you couldn't continue your words as it just shatters you more into multiple pieces.

you ran out of breath easily as your throat begins to feel tighter and tighter, making you shush a little, and your forehead is giving out so much sweat as your body shakes instantly.

He looks at you in sadness as he observes you a bit more then he began to panic.

"a-are you h-having a panic attack?" he holds both of your arms as he watches you catch your breath.

"I'm taking you to the clinic" he states as he drags you with him out of class to the clinic.


"s-sir, what happened to her?" the nurse begins to check you as you're led to the bed.

"I don't know, b-but I feel like she's getting a terrible panic attack" he bites his fingers while looking at you with worried eyes.

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