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Author's POV

you've been sleeping for quite a while in your room now, your sleep is so deep that you couldn't even feel like the birds are chirping from the outside of your window.

usually, you wake up just by the noises from the birds.

suddenly, you feel a magic slipper that slaps your face to wake you up from the dead, you slowly open your eyes and caress the part where you got hit.

"what the-" you mumble, the rays shine right infront of your face, and a slipper resting on your cheek, you instantly threw it to the floor.

 you open your eyes a bit more to see that your sister is actually standing right in front of your bed with a another slipper on her hand.

"are you gonna stand up or you want this baddie to yeet you to neptune?" Rose says sarcastically.

You quickly sat in the middle of your bed, but as son off as you manage to do so, you're met with a very sharp headache, the feeling of getting drilled in your brain could never feel alright, you're also met with a powerful stomach ache.

your mom is scary when she's mad but your sister is scarier, your mom doesn't hit stuff at you, just scold you by words, meanwhile your sister would hit you multiple times, not even caring if you're getting hurt already.

"if you don't like getting hangovers, then stop drinking!" she says in a deafening tone, making your headache hurt even more.

you didn't reply to her anymore, you're tooo busy thinking of what happened yesterday, but you can't seem to remember.

what really happened yesterday?

the more you think, the more the hangover gets worse.

"what happened?" is all that you could mumble.

you rest the top right of your head on your palm, trying to caress it, it still hurts.

"oh now you're asking me, here listen, a kind man offered himself to help you get back here at home, he told me that your gigantic ass was so fucking drunk to the point where you couldn't even open your eyes nor gain some conscious and you ended up looking like a pig, good thing mom still wasn't home yet last night or else you'll see yourself on the ozone layer of the earth" she states in an aggressive tone while her eyes are directly looking at you.

" a kind m-man? w-who?" you asked.

"do I look like I know? oh I'm gonna ask Rose if she knows" she rolls her eyes while you sat there, completely confused.

it looks like she's trying to stay chill with the situation but also sounds angry.

"p-please" you stutter at Rose, your eyes widen at what you just said.

you move your whole arm but all you feel is pain, you winced when you felt a sharp pain touching your body, you check your arm and it's filled with bruises, not really filled but it is clearly visible.

and your wrist, it looks like it has been gripped hard and tight, you check yourself once more, you're not wearing the same clothes from last night, more like your pajamas.

what really happened yesterday?

"you were never like this Y/n, you never drink after class, answer back to mom, and even say those stuff infront of dad, what is really happening to you?" her mood instantly changed from angry to sad.

you weren't able to answer her, even you weren't aware of what is happening to you.

"having too much fun is dangerous too, is it because of your friends who convince you to do things like this? I know you, Y/n, you'd never deny drinking sessions with your friends, like I understand that you're enjoying but please think about the consequences that could happen." she mumbles.

you couldn't answer her back, all she said were real and true.

"you don't even know who dropped you here last night, nor knew what happened to you, all you knew was you were with your friends who didn't bothered to drop you back home" she states in a worried manner

you sighed deeply, your heart starts pounding really fast as you heard her sentence, you couldn't interrupt, it had to be said.

you slowly close your eyes once again as your head starts to think more about what happened, but your last 2 braincells ignored your request.

what a splendid morning...

who was the man who brought me home?

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