f o u r t y - t w o

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after eating dinner, it's time for your niece to bedtime so you both bid goodbye to each other, she still didn't want the fun to end so you promised her that you both will play more once your busy schedule gets a little lighter

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

after eating dinner, it's time for your niece to bedtime so you both bid goodbye to each other, she still didn't want the fun to end so you promised her that you both will play more once your busy schedule gets a little lighter

you honestly feel bad for making her wait all the time, and as much as you would try to squish her into your busy ass schedule, it will just get worse than ever.

you took a quick shower and dressed up in your favorite pajamas, you blow dry your long hair until it gets dried up, and you proceed to your office desk and try to summarize the upcoming cases that you're about to handle.

you thank your secretary a lot because he made your job a lot lighter, he helps you a lot and takes care of the meetings that you were supposed to handle, he also fixes your schedule and your working and eating hours, he is also the kindest and most appropriate secretary for you.

and if you work overtime then he also works overtime with you.

his name is Jungwon and he's currently 20, he's still young but he does all the job for you, he studies at a university so he might not always be with you but he still helps you.

he also goes to law school and wants to be a lawyer so he's currently working with you for a part-time job to learn what lawyers do and work.

but it seems that he works more than you do

you face your paperwork once again and try to summarize the next meeting you're gonna have.

but instead of focusing, you seem to zone out as you feel a random wave of sadness in your body, the feeling of sadness and loneliness is slowly coming back.

you hate this feeling, you know that you've fully moved on from all of this but you hate how much you're trying to avoid something that won't go away.


you continue to stare at one particular area as all you could feel is sadness and loneliness.

"Doc, I honestly don't know what's happening with my daughter, it feels like she's out of this world" your mom states.

the psychiatrist tried to communicate with you multiple times but you just continued to stare at the floor without saying a word.

"Is she suffering from something.....? or someone?" the psychiatrist holds her clipboard while trying to take down some notes.

"I feel like she's longing for someone who died recently" your sister adds.

"he's still alive," you say into the conversation, making the whole room go silent.

"Y/n, that Jimin guy is already dead, you even visited his grave" your sister argues.

you couldn't help but let the tears down on your face while looking at your sister, yes, you have visited his grave but you're still manifesting that he's alive because you've been seeing him everywhere

"Y/n, who is he to you?" the doctor tries to ask you in the most comfortable way possible.

you didn't know what to say so you just stayed silent, he was never your boyfriend or friend.

but he sure did have a meaning to you.

the doctor scans your whole body with her pitiful eyes, it's obvious that you have abandoned yourself because of all of this, she nods her head while your mom says some statements.


"based on the things you told me, unfortunately, I could tell that your daughter is schizophrenic and has depression and bipolar," the doctor says while writing some notes.

"she misses someone and pretends that the person is still there when he no longer exists, and she gets random waves of sadness that she couldn't explain" the doctor reads the sentences.

you don't want to argue anymore with anyone, you're not in the mood and you don't want to stress yourself any further.

"she will be taking some medication and pills for her depression," the doctor says.

"and she also has to stay in the mental hospital until I see improvements," she says while smiling at you.

"Will it take long?" your sister asks.

she never wanted to be away from you but this is a huge sacrifice that will help you change somehow.

"it depends on how fast she will recover, but don't worry, you can visit her every day"

                                                          *End of Flashback*

Eternal Loveحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن