The break up

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Going back to the phone situation, I asked for my phone and she couldn't provide evidence of her still having it , I broke it off because she was lying to me as I have said previously, I felt it like a gut instinct, and that's in stone for me , that's real.
I broke it off with her cut her off completely blocked her on everything, but I forgot about blocking her actual number because we speak on what's app and snap , she basically called me crazy , and good luck to anyone that can put up with me, which is so shocking concerning I've been manipulated from day one with the girl.
i began reposting narcissistic abuse post on my TikTok because it was hella relatable to what I've just gone through , and this girl was liking them. TODAY!!! Even though yesterday girl was texting yesterday!! Here's the text
Hey ****, I'm not expecting you to reply or care about this message but I just need to say it, I know we've had a lot of arguments/ ups and downs, I know it's probably not healthy for either of us and yeah I'm so damaged but so are you, we've both got a lot on which we need help for. You may think we haven't been through a lot together but I think we have, in a short amount of time we spent so much time together and made so many memories that it's hard to not think of you or still want everything with you. I guess I'm sending you this cuz I just want you know that no matter what if you did need me I'd be here for you anyway.
I actually expected this ...I've ignored her , obviously I won't go back to that mental case, she also sent me the money for my phone , and I haven't addressed that with her either & I won't.

I'm genuinely so glad this happened (the whole phone situation) and was able to get away from her  , because it got creepy so early on and I just didn't know what to do , because I was into deep already, we was already at "I love you" but the more time I spent with her the more she let her mask drop , I'd noticed she started mirroring me , like my mannerisms, & trying to copy my facial expressions, and even talking like me , which gave me the ick.
Even at the end of all of this I still have this sinking feeling of dread in my stomach, even though I know I'm in the right and I did the right thing by cutting ties with them and gaining back control over my self , I'm proud of myself for standing my ground and knowing my worth.

Two days later (mothers day)
She texted my mom?!
Saying it's a shame we didn't get to know each other better and wishing her a happy Mother's Day. So after I got told this , I called her and I said I want to talk to you about something, she said "okay " (in a stand of ish manor) then I went on to say , this isn't about me wanting to to confess to me about the phone , and I wished her the best and genuinely meant that, "but I don't want you contacting my family" then she said it wasn't like that , I was just wishing her a happy Mother's Day because she was nice to me. because when I received the info of her sending that msg I felt instantly sick to my stomach.
Okay back to the phone call , She basically word for word repeated what I said to her at the beginning of the phone call which was me wishing her well so I was like gotta go, hung up.
Like the day after of me breaking up with her I reached out to my mum and I'd told her everything , I literally send her this story plus told her over the phone , telling her basically she a sociopath , and she said and I quote "yeah I got that vibe from her" which is kinda weird.
I did my research before we even broken up because I knew there was something off about her but I didn't know to handle it , & the more I looked into it the more ick I felt towards her...
Every bit of info I collected is verbatim textbook of what she would do (if you break up with a narcissist abuser) , such as deflection if ever get confronted about something they did , they will switch it around gaslighting you into thinking you're crazy or they could bring up something you did in the past , or they will say " I don't like your attitude" and they will make it about YOU , just to avoid talking about the real situation at hand.  They will reach out to friends , family members, just to keep tabs on you. Narcissistic abusers look at people like toys, and think they own a person. They will stalk your social media and follow your every more , like an obsession, because they can't let go of the fact their victim/toy got away.

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