I didn't know what i was getting into INTRODUCTION

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Psychopath/sociopath ... you'd think killers , weirdos (the bad kind), or humans with a blatant disregard to others & rules...well..everything, playing people like pawns for their own entertainment.
This is my experience I broke free from the bullshit.

Am I scared ? No.

Would you be?

Here we go , buckle up .. grab a snack and smoke or whatever you want :)

So I've been seeing this person for a year
It was all calm and cute in the beginning
Until she trauma dumped on me like I'm some therapist and I'm talking about some real dark stuff that I will not get into. This one night my partner was having a bad day so I was hugging them and they just said " if you ever leave me I'd haunt you" meaning she'd un-alive them self and they said it so casually , and I called them out on it right there , and they immediately back tracked saying I didn't mean it like that!! I called her out and told her that was fucked up to say...But they are always saying stuff like "I feel like you're going to leave me" what if I did and something bad happened? I'm actually worried. Then there was this other incident where I told them I was going home because I'd been at their apartment for two weeks and wanted some space and time for myself, and they grabbed hold of me from the front trapping my arms so I was unable to move , I said let go of me , then she said " are you gonna hit me" *acting cocky) I said hit you? Wtf Grow up. I know they have dealt with domestic abuse and so have I. We are a brand new couple at this point been dating a couple months. Another incident with the same premise, I wanted to go home , and they didn't want me to go, my partner's parents are sick , and they blabbed out "my mum is dying"... so casually just to keep me there.... their mom isn't dying by the way. Just another manipulative tactic , it worked obviously, and I broke down crying from the stress of the info because I knew it was a bunch of shit , but I knew what was going on. I think it's some sort of control thing. I just didn't get why they are doing this.
Okay so she has a cat  and they mistreat the cat, I've seen my partner be rough with her by throwing it , the amount of time I've seen them basically go to put it on the floor but aggressively it and it's fallen on it's head or tripped or not landed properly because they don't handle the cat with care, and they laugh if the cat gets hurt , I always say something to them /call them out , they shrug it off, the cat is mostly by herself but when I'm around I'm always giving her pets she's so sweet! , this is kinda ironic but the animal services was even called on them recently because others are concerned about the cats well-being, (neighbours I'm assuming) I have noticed the cat would cower from my partner when they would go to pet her and the cat looked so spooked and scared of them, even my own cat started running from my partner and hiding away.
I find it so weird that they call them selves a pet person , but got rid of every pet she ever had , they even said to me that they are going to get a dog for breeding purposes just to make money , they was gonna do the same with the cat too, but I was told this after they have had the cat for like a month or so.
Okay so here's where it gets concerning !! TW ~ you know the documentary don't f**k with cats ? We watched that together and the infamous scene of that terrible man and the kittens, which is absolutely heartbreakingly devastating might I add!! ...my partner after we had watched it a couple days later , said to me they wanted to watch them die , she also said "why didn't it just show you?" Which sent alarm bells off in my head. Not even that she said wanted unalive someone...and she's seen every murder documentary, law n order SVU all of that shit, and would know how to get rid of a body? They went into full detail over the phone about how she would get away with it ?!? She had told me that she basically destroyed her exs family home , she said that she smashed up everything sliced up the couches, took parts from the boiler, smashed every plate in the house , fucked with the electric's, and the toilet pipes , and stole money from them. And this other time when I was smoking a joint out of the window she randomly came behind and was saying she'd know how to destroy lives if anyone fucks with her or cheats, but it was the way she said it so fucking creepily , like this bitch lowered her voice and everything, & bitch normally sounds like Alvin & the chipmunks getting fisted so...
Like she WAS TRYING to scare me lol
So I was like you got nothing on me...later that day she asked me what I'm scared of I said I'm not really scared of anything besides spiders , and then I went on to say I'm not scared of you...she just looked at me lol...

There was another time where she said she wanted to beat someone with a bat just for a small inconvenience and it was said casually, and she said that's "not normal is it? " i played it cool but I was internally saying WHAT THE FUCK...So I asked them do a sociopath test online , I wasn't really paying attention to most of the questions, but I remember one of their answers not being able to show Remorse, there was a question asking " I will say or do what ever it takes to get what I want aka lying " you should of seen how fast it was answered "NO".

All of her behaviour is just off completely she love bombs me constantly compliments me to the point where it's irritating because it sounds so fake and superficial. This one time she kept making sly and quiet diggs at me in a public...at an airport and I blew up at her calling her out , but I was in the wrong for having a go back but loudly, all I did was call her out on her shit I said it loud so she would take it in you know ? but I'm obviously in the wrong ...(sarcasm)
Okay so this is really messed up , I have trouble sleeping in general and she offered me sleeping pills I took them obviously...and then the next morning she said to me " you're really unaware to sensations on them pills" like EXCUSE ME ?! WHAT DID SHE DO TO ME WHILE I WAS SLEEPING ?! When she told me this I was dead silent and my face dropped along with my stomach, I felt instantly sick and genuinely didn't know what to say back to her , so I didn't say anything what so ever.

I noticed she lies about the smallest of things
Like for instance she said she has A levels in English , which can't be true with the amounts of grammatical errors in her speech I hear on the daily with the most typical words, not to forget she will use words just point blank incorrectly, but she feels the need to explain words to me randomly when we talk on the phone and I find it so hilarious because I really don't need any lessons in English period, and I went to community college.😂

So after spending alot of time with her and being at home and being able to assess the whole situation & she showed up to my place after I didn't contact her for two days , I also live two hours away from her & my brother had let her in so I felt trapped & didn't really know to bring anything up. So I put this whole story on Reddit, which was a big mistake, because I lead her there subconsciously, because earlier that day she'd asked me what I was doing , and I told her that I'm reading stories on Reddit. Knowing full well I'd just wrote this whole thing out on there.
She randomly verbatim sprinkles in lines from it random conversation, like I don't pick up on it. I've even said to her I know you have read it , and she acts like she hasn't , which is insane!! She even basically tried to debunk the whole story on the phone, which was so bizarre to experience, basic damage control.

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