|43| 𝒫𝓁ℯ𝒶𝓈ℯ, 𝓈𝓉𝒶𝓎 𝒽ℯ𝓇ℯ

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How can I regret it when I still feel good?

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How can I regret it when I still feel good?

Well here is the answer, I can regret it
because my whole body hurts,
it's ridiculous, I've had sex with multiple people before, I mean sure they weren't
the same size but I should be used to it.

But every. Single. Time.

My body is sore, I think my muscles
only hurt because it had been
a while since I had sex with anyone.

We've decided on a plan, meaning
I had no say in it which annoys me.

Everyone wants to kill Marco first.

Just to get the "weak" thing out of the
way. I know he's weak, but he's
not a complete idiot, he can get out of
most things, all snakey and annoying.

Despite the ache in my body, I can still
fight. We're training right now,
I went into the gym because my leg was hurting more than usual and I
want to be at my best to kill all of them.

Instead of doing any lifting, Aleksander thought it would be best to fight,
don't even ask me why I agreed.

It's probably because he was already
telling me that I was doing a push-up
wrong so my ego was hurting.

I knee him in the crotch and he falls to
his knees, I quickly move behind him
grabbing his chin in one hand and the
top of his head with the other,
then I lean down and whisper in his ear

"One turn and you're dead,
tell me how you feel?"

My ego feeling better, I keep a smirk on
my face and don't even hide how proud
I am; considering all of his muscles,
it's surprising that I got him down.

The corners of his mouth turn up
into a smile and even though he
tries to sound calm, his
pain is evident in his strained voice

"A little turned on."

My smirk falls off my face and
I turn around, pulling off the
gloves so I can leave this gym.

All the bright lights and lack of water
is giving me an awful headache.

I hear him groan and feel him grab my
waist, pulling me onto the mats
with him. I almost punch him again but
he catches my fist and pushes it away.

Before I could try again he kisses me,
holding the side of my
face with one hand and holding
my waist with the other.

"Aleksander!" I push him back but he
only moves a few inches away,
still close enough to kiss me in
one small movement. He starts playfully kissing my neck and tickling me.

"Stop-" I breathe and try to push him
away "-I mean it!" He stops right after
but stays close to me "You're literally
sweating, get off of me," I complain.

𝐇𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐇𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐫𝐢𝐱 | 𝟣𝟪+Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt