"Wait, Thalia," Rhys took a step towards me and I looked at my father. "You do not have to do this if you do not want to."

Azriel looked at me and I nodded. "I'm ready to do whatever it takes."

Rhysand nodded and looked to his spymaster. "If she needs help, I don't care what it takes to get to her, you go to her. She is my daughter."

"I will protect my mate with my life." Azriel placed a fist over his heart and bowed at his waist to his High Lord.

I swallowed and looked to Feyre. "Are you ready, Feyre?"

"Yes, ready as I'll ever be."


War was not what I thought it would be.

There weren't clean lines, no formation as the soldiers fought and killed.

The Summer court was hot, a sweltering heat, as I slashed Synthiax through the head of a Hyben soldier. I was scared, but I let my fighting control my breathing and fear. Magic sang in my ears, as I attacked soldier upon Hybern soldier. Blood was already coating my breastplate and leathers, the feeling of it making my stomach churn.

I wondered if Feyre and Mor were okay in the back lines and if Azriel was still fighting and alive. I felt his presence down the bond, so I knew he was okay, but I was still worried. I wasn't worried about my father or Cassian, they were fine. I knew it.

"SHIELDS!" I heard Cassian bellow to his soldiers on the frontlines.

I stopped as the last Hyben soldier fell that had gotten in through the barriers. I was out of breath as I waited for my next order.

And just like that Cassian was running towards the Hybern commander. And cut his way through the enemy soldiers. Cassian had been born for this–these horrid fields and everything in it.

He didn't stop moving, seeming to know where every opponent fought both ahead and beyond. He seemed to bathe in the flow of battle. This was the male who had inspired me to fight with his stories. This male was the one who had tought me that war was really just a game people liked to play.

I had never seen anything like it. It was like a dance. Like this battle was his symphony.

"Holy Mother," I heard an Illyrian say next to me as Cassian cut through the army to the commander. Holy Mother, indeed.

My heart stopped when the commander grabbed a spear.

And threw it.

I covered my mouth with my bloody hand as it barreled for him. I wanted badly to go after him and stop the spear with my magic as it sang to fight.

But Cassian tucked in his wings tight and–

He caught the spear with such professionalism that my knees buckled, hacked off the shaft, and kept running.

Within a heartbeat, he was running only with the spear, no shield or sword in his hands. He picked up another fallen spear.

My heart began to beat again when he threw the spear with such power I could hear it in the wind.

Both armies seemed to pause as he threw that spear.

And right through the commanders chest, hitting home. So hard, it knocked him off his war horse.

And Hybern was fleeing now. Set right for the river.

But Hybern found the High Lord of Summer's army waiting for them, exactly where Cassian had ordered.

They were trapped by Tarquins Army, the Darkbringers at their backs on the other side of the river.

It was scary to watch. The slaughter that followed.

But it was over, as the Hybern soldiers fell to their knees, surrendering.

From a distance, I saw the High Lord of Summer, his armor gleaming in the Summer sun with blood and golden plates of fish scales. I had not met the High Lord yet, but I knew of the blood rubies.

Tarquin stared at where the enemy had knelt, his helmet hiding his face.

Nearby Rhysand, Cassian, and Azriel monitored, speaking to Keir and the Illyrian Captains. I didn't see any wings amongst the field of fallen soldiers. A blessing from the Mother.

Tarquin made a motion with his hands.

The Hybern soldiers began to scream for mercy, their pleas of giving us information rung out, even to me at the back lines. Tarquin pointed to a few of them and it was not pleasant as the remaining soldiers began to claw and tear at their skin screams of horror screeching out of their throats. I looked away and wiped Synthiax on the grass to clean it of blood, as Tarquin drowned them on dry land.


Immediately when I left the battle field, I called for Azriel down the bond.

What's wrong? Azriel sounded worried down the bond.

I'm not hurt, I answered, I just need you.

Okay, I'm on my way.

I felt a hand on my shoulder.

I jumped, had a dagger drawn, and had the male pinned underneath me in seconds, the blade pressed against their throat.

But I know those green eyes and red hair.


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