26: One Year Older, One Year Quieter

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I pressed my ear against our bedroom door, listening in.

Yasmina and I haven't talked about anything to this day. Weeks passed and still not a word about what happened between us; whether she was ashamed of her inconclusive answer or whether she was still raving about how I think too much, I wasn't sure; it gets tiring trying to figure out someone who doesn't want you to know about her. Joanna let me know that today, the 9th of September, is her birthday. And before you ask me why I didn't know, she didn't want anyone to know about it.

So I went to Kaitlyn's room and asked for two bags of chocolate chip cookies since mine had finished. After much bargaining and negotiating, she gave up the bags without warning, but I knew that she'd ask for something later. All that doesn't matter anyway; I just want to make this birthday special for Yasmina. Today we knocked off of school early because of the grade 12s writing their mocks, so I figured if I could at least spend the night with Yasmina, it could make up for how shitty I've acted towards her because of how I felt.

After a few more seconds of listening to the soft music she was playing, I opened the door quietly, and entered. She didn't stop the music though, she instead ignored my entrance and continued to play. I closed the door and walked over to her, throwing the cookies on her bed and shaking her vigorously. She looked up, more irritated rather than surprised.

"What the fuck Kendall?" She rolled her eyes, then they drifted towards the bags. "What's this for?"

I remained silent and walked to my bag, pulling out a small box. Yasmina sat up, her face etched with confusion. Making my way to her again, I handed her the box, pulling her off the bed. Looking up at her, I grinned, holding her hands.

"Happy birthday."

The confusion disappeared, realization settling on her face. She furrowed her eyebrows at me, then opened the box, smiling at what was inside. Pulling out a string necklace of unpopped popcorn, she smiled, staring at me.

"What's this supposed to represent, Riddick?"

"I guess the first day we met," I mumbled. "I couldn't get you much for your birthday since I was only told last minute."

Still stunned, she held it up. "How did you even come up with this?"

"I had to come up with something, so I went into the dining hall with Isa and Joanna to steal some popcorn kernels from the cabinet. It wasn't easy, but we made it work." I shrugged. "You should've seen Isabella's face when one of the cooks came to fetch something and we hid in the cabinets."

"I don't know what's more surprising; the fact that you went through all this effort or the fact that you almost got into trouble for some fucking kernels," she laughed, putting the necklace on the bed.

"I mean, it doesn't matter anyway. I just wanted to make sure your birthday was something to remember, even if it meant risking punishments for you. It's the effort that—"

Once Yasmina hugged me, my mouth immediately shut. Without questioning her sudden choice of affection, I hugged her back, holding her tight as she played with my hair,  probably in her own little world. I beamed, closing my eyes, and tried to savor the moment. These might be one of the few moments I can actually get with Yas.

"Thank you," she whispered, laying her head on my shoulder.

"Don't sweat it, Yasmina," I replied, rubbing her back. "Don't sweat it."


"Can't believe you got me to watch When Harry Met Sally just to hear Harry say–"

"No man can be friends with a woman he finds attractive," I quoted, throwing a chocolate chip at her. "Besides, you liked it."

"No I didn't."

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