"I wish you didn't tell me." I cringed out. "Now it's going to be so weird!"

"Do you like him?" Damien asked, his voice rough as he looked deeply into my eyes.

I don't know why, but I felt like Damien was... jealous, but that's crazy, Damien had nothing to be jealous of, I think every girl in this place has looked at him at least a few times since we sat down.

Yet, it somehow made me a little happy, which was making me feel weird considering I was on a weird dinner not so date with him.

"Don't get me wrong, he's a great guy, and a good friend, but." I paused and peeked around the booth to look at Auster, flirting with the girl next to him.

"He's not exactly my type." I mumble out, turning around to focus on Damien again.

"What is your type then?"

Why did he want to know that? I was getting nervous under his gaze again, he was making me feel hot and flustered, but I couldn't look away, his eyes kept hold of me.

My type... well, I have never had a type until I saw Damien, I thought he was a great height, his body was a total killer, and he has handsome features, he's a good-looking guy rocking the whole silent bad boy vibe.

I never thought that would be attractive until I saw him, and then spoke to him, until I heard how much I liked how deep and nice his voice was, or the way his eyes looked at me, like he was seeing me, and not just checking me out.

"Someone nice." I swallowed the dryness in my throat. "It's a hard question, I've never really thought about it before."

"What about you, are you um, seeing anyone?" I asked, my palms starting to sweat as soon as the corner of his mouth twitches as he looks at me.

"That depends." His eyes swirled in amusement.

"On... on what?"

"I'm seeing you right now, so does that count?" He said, as I felt the heat rush to my face.

"Th-That doesn't count." I stutter out, as he starts laughing, his chest rumbling. "Ugh." I hated that he was laughing at me, it made me feel weird.

"I'm sorry, you're just-" He stopped himself before sighing out. "No, I'm not seeing anyone, but there is someone I'm interested in."

"O-Oh, that's nice." My stomach felt like it had a thousand butterflies fluttering around.

Did he mean me? He didn't say who the girl was, but from the way he's looking at me is all that I needed to know....

He was talking about me. "Why haven't you... told her?" My heart was beating so fast, I felt lightheaded as he smiled at me, like he knew something I didn't.

"She's shy, and I want to get to know her before I scare her away." He said lowly, his voice making the hairs on my arms stand.

"You see, she's beautiful but doesn't seem to realize it, she's kind and thoughtful and I honestly can't stop thinking about her, I think she feels the same, but I'm trying to be respectful and take it slow."

Holy Jesus... I-I can't believe he just said that in a bar full of people, and in front of me.

Now I see why he asked me out for lunch, I'm such an idiot, I thought he wasn't flirting, and in a way, he was and wasn't, he was being respectful of my space... oh my god.

I'm so overwhelmed I don't know what to say, I've never had someone confess to me like this before, not from such a handsome guy like Damien, not this boldly.

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