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3rd person pov
It was now later in the day and everyone was seated in the living room either talking or, in the children's case, playing with the gifts that they had just gotten.
Suddenly all conversation stopped and all turned their attention to the place where an angry voice was heard, it turned out to be Teddy's.
Turns out Teddy had become angry at something Harry had said.
Surprised at the sudden outburst coming from the usually quiet Teddy, Narcissa kindly put a hand on his shoulder but Teddy just showed it away and told her to go away.

"Teddy calm yourself, Narcissa was simply trying to be polite." Harry said sternly but Teddy was having none of it. 

"If you think I'll sit here and listen to you shaming me over one bad grade, then you're wrong. And don't act all high and mighty, you never speak like this normally." Teddy snapped back.

"Teddy, it was 3 bad grades and 2 essays that you didn't turn in. These grades are going to define your future, so excuse me for having higher expectations for you." Harry said, voice still calm.

"Oh right, 'cause you couldn't handle the shame if your little godson didn't get as good a job as you." Teddy said dramatically.

"I'm just looking out for you, you know I only want you to be happy. But with a great mind like yours, a "Dreadful" is not acceptable." Harry shot back, voice calm as ever.

"It's potions, that stuff doesn't even matter so why try?" Teddy said annoyed.

While the little quarrel continued along, Hermione and Luna removed all children from the room while the adults helplessly tried to figure out what they should do.

"You can't just do nothing and then expect everything to work out, and right now you're going to school to ensure yourself a future and you've got to take it seriously." Harry said while rubbing his forehead in annoyance.

"Why though? All you're doing is shagging Malfoy and I highly doubt that you need a degree for that!" Teddy shot back and this time he hit the spot.

The whole room got so quiet you could hear a pin drop, the only thing disturbing this awkward silence was Draco nearly choking on his drink.

"Edward, I do not appreciate you using my relationship to validate your mistakes." Harry said now visibly angry, he had raised his voice and used Teddy's real name. Everyone knew that Teddy had crossed a line he couldn't come back from.

"You're not my dad or my mum, the only thing you have is that stupid godfather title!" Teddy shouted before storming out of the living room and running off to merlin knows where.

An uncomfortable silence came over the room like a heavy fog, all sat stunned not knowing what to say or think. After some time Harry got up and left the room without a word, Draco following closely. The rest of the guests still sat back lost for words.

"Well, I guess my intuition was right then.." Narcissa muttered after some time.


Harry pov
Why did Teddy have to do that? He knew I didn't want anyone to know about this relationship, but he ignored that and told everyone. Was I too harsh about the grades? No, he knows what he's capable of and for him to just be slacking is not acceptable. Fuck this, I need a break right now.

A knock was heard from the door I had previously slammed shut, who in their right mind would disturb me now? It turned out it was Draco, he hesitantly came inside but didn't say anything.
I sat down on the bed and he was quickly beside me, he laid a hand on my shoulder and pulled me into a hug. It didn't take long for the waterworks to start, everything about this was just so frustrating.
Through everything that's happened with Ginny, the boys, and Draco, after all those changes the one thing I could always count on staying the same was Teddy, but maybe I was naïve? He's becoming a teenager and of course, he's going to change but why now?

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