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Draco pov

It was now 2 days since Astoria died making today Sunday, I decided that i wanted to visit Scorpius at Grimmauld Place so when the clock chimed 10 AM i apparated to Grimmauld Place. I said the password and the house came to sight, I knocked on the door which was opened seconds later by a sleepy Harry carrying Scorpius who happily tried to grab me after seeing me. I gently took him from Harry's hold and walked inside the house. Harry led me to the living room where Teddy sat dressed in his pajamas, there was blankets and candy all over the place which kind of concerned.

"We had a movie night last night." Harry explained when he saw my confused look.

"And if you want to have good movie night you need a blanket fort and a lot of candy." Teddy said half asleep.

"And was Scorpius a part of this?" I asked while looking around the room.

"He was there with us but don't worry, I didn't fill him with candy." Harry chuckled while looking at Scorpius.

Seeing Harry hold my son and cuddling him like that made something twist in me, he was already a better father to Scorpius than I was.. Even though he's never had a father himself and only had Scorpius for two days.
I've never felt.. Jealous like this before because of another man. Why did he also have to be this goddamn pretty? His tan skin, raven curly hair which you can barely control even with wizard products, his emerald eyes that shine every time he holds his kids or get happy for whatever reason. He was just-  godly. 
I've known i was bisexual since before Astoria came along and maybe me finding Potter attractive was a trauma response to her death,  at least I hope it is.

"Draco? Are you okay?" Harry said bringing me back from my thoughts by placing a hand on my back, I flinched at his touch which made him retrieve his hand. He looked wary at me with his eyes full of pity, god i hated that look.

"Stop looking at me like that." I said sternly not caring about my tone, he looked confused before asking; "Like what?"

I looked at him like he was dumb, which he was right now. 

"That look full of pity, i hate it." I said not meeting his eyes fearing the look, he slowly took my free hand in his and let me lean against him as he breathed slowly in and out in a comforting manner. He turned to look at me before saying;

"Well I'm sorry then, I promise that I will never feel bad for you ever again." He nudged me in the side making me push him away gently, he laughed lightly as he looked at my annoyed face.

"Thank you Harry, for letting me be your friend even after all the shit i've done to you." I said a little more serious as I observed the way Scorpius cuddled against him. 

"Of course Draco. And I'm sorry for rejecting your handshake back then, I guess my judgement was clouded by others opinions." He said giving me a soft smile, i brushed it off not really caring about what happened back then.

Harry made his way to the couch sitting down beside a now sleeping Teddy, he placed Scorpius in his lap who looked around before closing his eyes falling into a peaceful slumber.

"How long is it until you take him back?" Harry whispered to not wake the sleeping boys beside him. I hesitated a bit before answering, I did want Scorp back but i wasn't ready and Harry was clearly enjoying having him here. 

"He's clearly enjoying being here so if you wouldn't mind, I'd like you to keep him for a bit longer." I said hesitantly not wanting to test my luck, but Harry simply smiled as he held Scorpius closer to his chest.

"Of course I can, it may get a bit more chaotic when my other boys arrive tomorrow though." Harry said adding a small chuckle at the end.

"Scorpius has probably been cradled a bit too much, some chaos might be good for him." I said.

We talked for a while before I had to go home for a meeting with some planners, Harry told me to just come if i wanted to spend time with Scorpius and he would take care of him as long as he could. He also informed me that when he was at work the boys were usually sent to a muggle daycare but after a magical incident with James, Hermione have started to take care of his boys and now also Scorpius.

We said our goodbyes before I went home to the manor, I was met by my father who after Astoria's death suddenly cared about my feelings.

Harry pov

Draco had just left when Scorpius started crying in the living room, I suspected it was just because his father had left but that belief quickly vanished when i heard a voice saying "Shut up mystery child" but it wasn't just a random voice, it was my dear ex-wife's. I basically ran into the living room where Ginny stood holding Scorpius by the throat trying to make him shut up, I snatched Scorpius from her holding him closely to my chest in a protective manner. I was thankful that she hadn't arrived when Draco was here, had he seen her hold his baby like that he would have killed her on the spot.

"Ginny what the hell are you doing, you can't just strangle a baby because it's crying." I told her harshly as she looked dumbly at me.

"Well i'm sorry but I don't really like the fact that you are more obsessed with this baby than you are with your own kids." She said so confidently you'd think she actually believed it justified her actions. 

"I'm not even the one taking care of our kids at the moment, you are. This baby and Teddy have gotten an equal amount of attention the three days he's been here and when I take the boys tomorrow they'll all three get an equal amount of attention. And now I would appreciate if you get the hell away from my house before I arrest you for breaking in, attempted murder and violence towards a defenseless human being. Ugh what am saying? I'll do that anyway." I said before stupefy at her, she became unable to move her limbs and while I woke Teddy up her face became more and more red. 
I told a confused Teddy to take care of Scorpius while I brought Ginny to the ministry, he sleepily agreed but I made sure he was awake and up before I left.

We apparated to the ministry where I brought Ginny to the prison cells in the Auror department, after she was locked in I went to Shacklebolt's office where he confused, yet understandingly went with me to get both mine and Ginny's testimony. 

3rd person pov

Harry also informed Draco who arrived to the ministry furious pushing everyone out of his way until he reached Ginny's cell where he started a scream argument with the Weaslette as he called her, it ended with Lucius Malfoy having to keep his son away from the redhead before Narcissa arrived with both Teddy and Scorpius by her side.

The spell that stunned Ginny had worn off and now she tried to justify her actions by saying she was just trying to protect the world from the death eater spawn who clearly had fooled the Head Auror.

Ginny had been ordered to stay in the cell over the night and the following day a trial would be held which would also affect her chances of having custody over her children.

The Malfoys invited Harry and Teddy to their Manor along with James and Albus who were currently at the Potters' former family home probably wondering where their mother went.

Harry went by his former home picking up his kids before going to the Malfoy Manor with all three kids.

Harry wrote to Headmistress McGonagall explaining her the situation and telling her that Teddy would probably stay home a week and that she should just write what he had to finish during this week, the Malfoy patriarchs assigned each of them a room where they could stay and then that was it- for now.

Word Count: 1390

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