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Harry pov

I was sitting in my office still doing paperwork when Ron came to my office holding a letter.

"Care to explain why you've got a letter with the Malfoy seal on it?" He asked, his voice a bit mad.

"I would if I knew, nice of you to finally speak to me." I said in a monotone voice as I watched the shame appear in his eyes but just as fast as it came it disappeared.

"Just open the damn letter, it says it's urgent." He said in that annoyed tone he used when he knew he was wrong. 

He handed me the letter which read: "To Harry Potter, Urgent." And with a silver Malfoy Seal on the back, i opened the letter and quickly skimmed it. Why the hell had Teddy gone to Malfoy Manor, how was he even back in England? I grabbed my coat and suitcase and was ready to walk out the door when I realised that Ron was still standing in the doorway.

"What did it say, you're basically running out the door." He said blocking the doorway with his body.

"I don't have time to discuss this and definitely not while you are still mad at me for divorcing your sister." I said in a cold tone.

"We have to talk Harry, you've been my best friend for 15 years now." He said in a genuine sad voice which confused me since it's him that's been ignoring me for the last 3 days.

"I really have to go now." I said, simply walking past him. He followed me all the way to the fireplaces but didn't follow me through, luckily.

I walked out of the fireplace and looked around, I realised I was in a kitchen. I saw Teddy and Draco sitting by the island in complete silence. I walked over to them and sat down beside Teddy while giving Draco an apologising look, he just shrugged his shoulders.

"Seriously Edward? You can't just show up here and not tell me where you are! We weren't meant to come today, what if Draco hadn't had time today and you interrupted something important?" I started scolding Teddy who didn't seem to see the problem in just showing up at peoples houses.

"What do you have to say for yourself?" I asked him still angry.

"Not to sound out of line but we had to come today, she won't be alive until the weekend." Teddy said confusing both me and Draco. I was just about to scold him again when Draco stopped me.

"How do you know?" Draco said in almost like a whisper.

"Professor Longbottom asked me if I had visited you yet, to which I replied no, and then said that his wife Luna had seen that your wife would die today or tomorrow and told me to go here and meet her before she died." Teddy spoke making Draco hold back a choked sob.

"Draco are you okay?" I asked after a minute of silence, he didn't answer. Draco stood up and hurriedly walked out the kitchen and up the stairs, Teddy and I slowly followed him in silence. We slowly opened the door and saw Draco kneeling by his sick, yet awake, wife. She held his head in her lap as he cried barely stopping to breathe, I've never seen Draco this emotional before but I understood him. While Teddy stood almost paralyzed in the door i slowly walked over to Draco, kneeling down beside him and slowly laid my hand on his back. I looked up at Astoria to see the once flawless brunette who never had a zit, never shouted or hurt anyone, just sit there looking weak and way too pale. She smiled weakly at me before looking back at her husband. 

3rd person pov

"Draco, look at me.." She said weakly while lifting his head so that he could look at her, he did and they shared a touching moment where all their feelings for each could be seen in their looks at each other.

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