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Draco pov

"What are you doing here Ronald"

If looks could kill then Weasley would've been dead already.

He looked at me with a nervous expression before turning to Harry with an oddly friendly look, my parents gave me a dirty look but based off my expression I think they got the hint that I didn't know he was coming.

Harry looked shocked at Ron for a bit before saying hello to the two smaller Weasley kids and sending them into the living room along with Albus, Scorpius and James. Teddy stayed behind with a scowl; it was clear that he had some kind of unfinished business with Ron. My parents decided to leave but I stayed as Ron had shown up at my house unannounced.

"I didn't think dear Molly Weasley would ever let one of you out of her grasp." I spat at Ron who immediately looked uncomfortable in my presence.

"Hermione, Teddy, could you please run along? I'd like to speak with Ron for a bit." Harry said, they quickly walked into the living room as Harry, Ron and I stood back.

An awkward silence filled the foyer as Harry and Ron looked at each other, Harry with a look full of confusion and anger and Ron with an uncomfortable look.

"Why are you here? Hermione told me you'd rather spend Christmas with your family and now you're here?" Harry said while crossing his arms. Ron looked down while obviously trying to form a response but before he could, Harry beat him to it.

"You know what? I don't even care, you can stay as long as you don't make any problems or start any arguments. And Ron, if you as much as ruin the good vibes we have going on here then, help me Merlin, I will actually cut you out of my life entirely." Harry looked at me and i nodded my head approvingly, after that everyone went along to the main living room where the others were seated either on the couches or in the armchairs. 

3rd person pov
Draco noticed all the bags standing all over the place and realised that no one had put away their stuff yet. He quickly told the elf to set the table for an additional two guests before getting everyone's attention.

"I can see that many of you have yet to put away your stuff, so if everyone will be so kind to follow Harry and I, then we can get it all put away in the bedrooms before we get too comfortable." Draco announced receiving a lot of mumbles before they all slowly started to get up and follow him.

Harry led "his" guests to their rooms while Draco helped his grandfather settle in as his friends already knew where they were going to stay. 

Draco received a lot of compliments for how he had decorated the house from Harry's friends, who were all impressed by the interior and the size of their rooms, even though they got some of the smaller ones. 


After everyone had settled in, they ended up scattering across three rooms; the main living room, the smaller living room and the library.
Hermione had, along with Rose, grown roots in the magnificent library, they were both visibly amazed by the library and adored all its details.

Abraxas chatted with Lucius, Narcissa, Theodore and Luna in the smaller living room while the rest of the guests were in the main living room. Except Harry, Teddy and Draco, they were in the kitchen talking about Ron's sudden appearance. The talk though, had slowly evolved into a mini argument.

"Why is he even here? You could've thrown him out you know." Teddy said as he angrily slumped on the barstool.

"I can't just throw my best friend away from a Christmas party I invited him to, just because we had a fallout." Harry said back apparently making Teddy even angrier, while the two of them fought Draco just stood by the island watching it unfold.

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