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Harry pov

"You should be able to recognize your biggest investor by now David." 

A look of pure terror mixed with embarrassment took over David's face as what I could only assume was realization struck him.

"My apologies Mr. Black, drinks on the house for the inconvenience." David said as he removed the rope letting us through to the VIP area upstairs.

As we walked upstairs I was gobsmacked, the VIP area had the same vibe as downstairs but it was more divided, there was a huge area with round tables placed all over the place making socializing and talking easy. There was also a bar in the middle of the seating area along with a bar inside what looked like rooms placed around in a circle.

Draco led us all down around the circle of rooms until he stopped at a door, one look at the nameplate was enough to know that this man even had his own private room inside the VIP area. The nameplate shined in a beautiful golden color on top of the door's black paint.
The name "Mr. D. Black" was painted in black cursive.

None of us said anything as we walked inside the room which didn't look like the rest of the club at all, maybe the owners could design it as they liked? This room definitely looked like something Draco had designed with the deep green walls with black and silver details. The furniture, which was a table and a couch that filled the whole wall, was painted black again with silver details, and on the opposite wall was a wooden trapdoor that lead somewhere I didn't know.

"You own this?" Dean asked breaking the silence that had filled the room for the past five minutes.

"This room, yes. I also own around 60 percent of the club." Draco spoke surprising us all, except Pansy and Blaise, who had calmly sat on the couch.

"Damn Malfoy, I knew you were rich and that but owning part of a club is something I'd never think you'd do." Seamus said as he sat down beside Blaise on the huge couch.

"Well, I technically don't. D. Black owns 60 percent of this, so your assumption was somewhat true." Draco spoke as he motioned for us all to sit down.

"Why are you even using another name?" Dean asked as Blaise ordered us some drinks through the trapdoor which led to the bar.

"Well, I don't want everyone in the wizarding world, and especially not my parents, to know that I own over half a club." Draco said right as the drinks arrived.

After that we didn't speak any more of it, we spent the next maybe three hours drinking, talking and laughing. I don't think I've had this much fun since before I had kids... No offense to James or Albus of course, but kids are, and will always be a handful.

Draco pov

We had been at the club for quite some time now and the clock was getting closer and closer to 2 AM.

Dean and Seamus had left around midnight as they had a birthday or something tomorrow, Luna left at 1 AM as Neville had come to pick her up. 

Harry and Theo had a drinking competition an hour ago to see who could down the most shots before puking, result was that Theo was far better at drinking compared to Harry.

Harry had tapped out half an hour ago while Theo had first puked five minutes ago.
Harry was, to put it nicely, very drunk now which told me that we probably had to leave sooner rather than later.

I went over to the drunk man lifting him from the couch bridal style before saying goodbye to Pansy, Blaise, and Theo and leaving right after.

I wanted to go back home to the Manor but decided against it as we were both drunk and there was a possibility the boys might see us, and one thing I didn't want Scorpius to witness was his father drunk. I'd seen my father drunk multiple times as a kid but I always hated him when he smelled of alcohol, and he was so unpredictable that you didn't know if he wanted to hug or hit you.

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