The Freaks

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It had been a few days since breathing training, Neylayā was wondering around the island and noticed some gatherers.

"We need to chop the tree to get the fruit down." A Metkayina said.

"Wait! I can help" Neylayā yelled causing everyone to freeze while the dark blue Na'vi ran towards them. She climbed up the tree and grabbed the fruits, tossing them down while she slid down the tree to the ground.

"Thank you." the harvester said causing Neylayā to smile and continue her walk.

"You heard her. Leave them alone." Neylayā heard her little brother say to Aonung and his friends.

"Big Brother" Aonung said with his hands up.
" And from now on, please respect my sisters." Neteyam said as Neylayā walked up.

"Come on. Fish- lips isn't worth it" Neylayā said dragging all her siblings away.

"They are freaks, the whole family." The sully's heard the comment as they walked away.


"Calm down bro, I got this."
"Yes, my hand is weird. I am a freak, but it can do something cool. First I ball it up real tight, and then..." Lo'ak balled up his hand and punched Ao'nung right in the face. Neylayā laughed, "It's called a punch, bitch." Lo'ak yelled. Ao'nung and his friends launched towards Lo'ak, Neylayā joined in immediately followed by Neteyam. They clawed at each others ears and grabbed each others tails until finally and adult stepped in and separated the kids.


The kids walked into the hut followed by their angry father.

"What's the one thing I asked you?" Jake said upset with his children's behavior.
"To avoid causing trouble." the kids replied softly.

"It was my fault." Neteyam said.
"You gotta stop taking the heat for this knucklehead." Jake replied quickly while looking at Lo'ak.

"Ao'nung called Kiri a freak." Lo'ak said telling the truth. Neylayā quietly gasped because she didn't know that's what caused the fight.

"Say sorry to Ao'nung, He is the chief's son." Jake said causing Lo'ak and Neylayā to be baffled.
"I don't care how, as long as you make peace with him." Lo'ak sighed and walked out the hut with his head down low.

"What did the others look like?" Jake asked Neylayā and Neteyam as they started walking after Lo'ak.
"Worse." Neteyam said.

"Good" Jake replied.

"Much worse." Neylayā said with a smile.

"Go away. " Jake said with a small smirk, so both the kids ran out smiling and laughing.


Later that evening back in the hut,

Neylayā was chopping fish and fruits, then handing it to her mother. Which Neytiri would then wrap the ingredients in a leaf and put them over the fire. Both noticed Kiri was very quiet and her tail was swaying side to side very fast.

"What is wrong?" Neytiri asks Kiri concerned about the fight from earlier.

"Nothing. I'm fine. Why shouldn't I be?" Kiri says quickly yet quietly.

"I don't know maybe because fish- lips called us all freaks." Neylayā says aloud not thinking about her words. She received a glaring look from Neytiri and decided it was time for her to chop silently.

"Why can't I just be like everyone else?"

"Kiri" Neytiri says rubbing her shoulder, not fully knowing how to comfort her.

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