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JAKE: Bold

Pandora's forests
hold many dangers.

But the most dangerous
thing about Pandora is...

that you can come to
like her too much.

We sing the chords to remember.
Each bead is a story from our life.
A bead for the birth of our daughter.

All the Na'vi people gather around as Jake holds up the baby.
"Neylayā!" He announces to the tribe. Neytiri covers her mouth and smiles.

A bead for the birth of our son, Neteyam.
A bead for our adopted
daughter, Kiri born of Grace's avatar.
A bead for the first
meeting with Eywa.
The people say we
live in Eywa, and Eywa lives in us.
The almother takes care
of all her children.
Happiness is simple.
To think a jarhead like
me would find it.

"The first time I met your
father, I tried to kill him." Neytiri says telling their children a story.
"Love at first sight." Jake replies making the group giggle.

Before I knew it, we had five.
We sent the sky people back to
Earth, but some stayed here.
Scientists who were
loyal to the Na'vi.

And then there was Spider.
He was trapped here.Too young for a cryocapsule.The war had taken his parents, so he was raised by the scientists. To Neytiri he would always
be a stranger. One of them.

"I had it first!" Kiri yells, "I hate you times infinity Lo'ak! PENIS FACE!"
Neylayā and Neteyam giggle at their little siblings.
"HEY! Don't make me come over there!" Jake sternly tells the arguing children.
Jake is teaching Neteyam how to hunt, while Neytiri and Neylayā watch from the distance.
Neteyam draws back his bow and hits a fish by the rocks in a small pond.
"You did it!" Neylayā yells running from the bushes towards her younger brother.
"Neteyam the mighty fisherman." Jake says. Which made both the children smile and giggle.

Time flies like a dream.

The Sully family cramming into a picture. Neytiri pulls Kiri closer, and Neylayā rolls her eyes. "Smile skxawng" Neteyam says to Lo'ak. Shortly after, a bright flash appears snapping the picture.

Happiness is simple.
Like date night, without the kids.
The thing about happiness.
that it can end abruptly.
A new star in the night sky.

That could only mean one thing.

The Sky People had returned.

Authors note, hope you enjoy the story if there are errors please let me know. I will change a few points of the storyline.

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