The Way Of Water

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The Sully children take on the adventure by diving straight into the waters. At first it is wonderful seeing the new animals and plants, until they realize they can not hold their breaths like the light blue Na'vi. Neylayā, Neteyam, Lo'ak, and Tuk rise above the surface to catch their breath, then peak down into the water below them.

"Come on! Swim with us." Tsireya signs underwater, however the Sully kids shake their heads confused. They all take deep breaths and try to venture deeper into the sea, once again the children all swim urgently back to the surface trying to gain any air.

"What's wrong with them?
They are bad at diving" Ao'nung signs to his friend and sister.

"Stop. They just
have to learn it." Tsireya signs back and starts swimming towards the Sully's. "Are you okay?" she asks the others.

"You swim too fast." Tuk says sadly while rubbing water out of her eyes.

"Just breathe."Tsireya responds trying to calm her.

"You are not good at diving. Maybe if you hadn't been swinging through trees..." Ao'nung says making a witty comment. Tsireya cuts his sentence off by slapping him in the back of they head.

"Listen Fish-lips, we aren't trying to cause a problem" Neylayā says. Ignoring his sisters comment Neteyam talks to Tsireya

"We don't understand your finger talk".  "I'll teach you." she replies kindly.

"Where is Kiri?" Roxto asks causing everyones heads to look around searching. Neylayā slowly starts to panic because it was her duty to watch her siblings. She starts swimming around until she finds Kiri playing with fish, so Neylayā swims back towards the others. "I found her she's okay." She says aloud mainly to Neteyam.
A few days later after many swimming lessons the Sully's had advanced to something more challenging. Ao'nung clicks his tongue while standing on the sand, which calls over a bunch of animals. "If you want to live here, you must ride." He says holding his hands out.

"Make the bond gently" Tsireya says guiding Lo'ak while Neylayā watches.

"Feel his breath.
Feel his strength.
Hold on here." She says adjusting Lo'ak hands. He takes a deep breath and goes under the water his ilu goes so fast causing Lo'ak to fly off almost instantly. All the others were watching under the water, causing them to laugh. Tsireya tried to cover her laugh by turning her head, but Neylayā noticed.

After many failed attempts with Lo'ak, Tsireya started helping Neylayā.
"This can't be as hard as bonding with an Ikran?" Neylayā asked but Tsireya just lightly shrugged since she didn't know what that meant. Neylayā's ilu swims off and dives under the water moving at a fast pace, however Neylayā stayed on and smiled. Her brothers made this seem a lot harder than it actually was, she saw Kiri riding her own ilu and started to follow. They heard the yelps and cheers from their siblings and other Metkayina.
Later that day, closer to eclipse. Tsireya and Roxto gathered Neylayā, Neteyam, Kiri, and Lo'ak on a rock to learn more about the way of water." Breathe in... and exhale." Tsireya says while holding Lo'aks stomach closer to his chest.

"You must slow your heartbeat. Breathe in, breathe all the way down here, and exhale slowly." "Lo'ak, your heart beats fast. Try to concentrate." Tsireya says while looking into Lo'ak eyes. Roxto and Neteyam look at each other smiling, while Neylayā giggles, however the group only got an eye roll from Kiri.

"The being of water has no beginning and no end.
The sea is around you and in you.
The sea is your home before your birth... and after your death.
Our hearts beats in the womb of the world.
Our breath burns in the shadows of the deep.
The sea gives and the sea takes.
Water ties everything together. Life and death. Darkness and the light."  Tsireya said calmly, making the whole group smile.

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