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It's been a year since the sky people returned. Today Jake allowed his children to help join the fight mainly Neylayā as she was more prepared and fully trained.

Neytiri and Neylayā flew on their ikrans shooting down pilots with precise aim.
"We got to get down there" Lo'ak states.
"No way dad would skin us!" Neteyam replies.
"Come on don't be a wuss" Lo'ak shrugs and flies down towards the ground.

Neylayā sees her brothers on the battlefield and groans in annoyance. "Devildog, this is Layā, over"
"Layā send your traffic" Jake replies.
"My brothers are on the ground, should I keep an eye out?" She states.
Jake spots his sons across the way messing with weapons.
"GUNSHIP!!" Neylayā yells on the comms.
A bomb hits the ground soon after. Struck with fear Neylayā yelps and swoops down on her ikran. She jumps down yelling in search of her little brothers.

"Lo'ak where are you?!" Jake yelled until he found Lo'ak with Neylayā.
"Are you two hurt?" Both the kids shake their heads no.
"Where's you brother?" Jake ask directly towards Lo'ak.
"Over there" he points.
Lo'ak and Neylayā hop on their ikrans and fly back to camp.
Tuk comes running towards Neytiri
"Tuk, Tuk, Tuk, Tuk" she says hugging her and rubbing Tuk's head.
"Fall in!" Jake says sternly.
"You are spotters, you spot boogies and call them in. FROM A DISTANCE!"
The kids all hold their heads down low, especially Lo'ak.
"I let you guys fly a mission and you disobeyed me! Kiri, go help with the wounded."
"My brother is wounded" Kiri says standing next to Neteyam.
"Kiri please, Tuk go with her" Jake says pleadingly. Both girls sigh and walk away.
" Father I take full responsibility" Neteyam speaks up making Neylayā gasp because she knew it wasn't his idea.
"Yeah you do because you're the big brother you need to act like it!" Neylayā did not agree with her fathers words, but didn't speak up.
Neytiri finally spoke up
"Ma Jake your son is actually bleeding"
"Go get patched up dismissed." Jake says.
Neytiri, Neteyam and Neylayā walk away looking back at Lo'ak.
Neylayā was chopping vegetables in the hut, while her grandma Mo'at patched up Neteyam.
"I would use yalnabark" Kiri says while walking with supplies.
"oh you would? And who is tsahik?"Mo'at says testing the young girl.
"You are grandmot- Move" she shoves Lo'ak out the way. "You are grandmother, but  yalnabark is better, it stings less" Neteyam winces in pain.
"A bunch of mighty warriors" Neylayā says sarcastically, carrying her chopped fruits and vegetables towards everyone.
Neytiri watches outside the hut at her children. They laugh and giggle while eating dinner. Jake senses her frustration as her tail sways side to side.
"What?" He asks while fixing a gun.
" Neteyam and Lo'ak try to live up to you it's very hard on them, especially when you treat Neylayā differently" she says.
"I know" Jake replies still fixing the gun.
Neytiri walks closer "You are very hard on them" she says with sadness in her eyes.
"I'm their father it's my job, and Layā doesn't purposely disobey me"
"This is not a squad, this is a family" Neytiri says which makes Jake stop what he's doing.
"I thought we lost him" he said looking at her with tears forming in his eyes.

Authors note
I'm skipping some scenes cause I'm sick of typing hopefully y'all remember the movie and can fill in the gaps

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