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It had been a few weeks and Zoro and him still haven't spoken. Of course, they see each other in the house, but neither has dared to go up to the other and admit their mistakes. However, Luffy didn't feel like apologizing this time. Zoro sleeps on the couch now, and Robin speaks to the both of them occasionally.

But only to ask about Mihawk and his health. Luffy couldn't care less though, she was sort of nice in a way. She'd bring him food sometimes and tell him to feel better. She was honestly too good for this world to be taking care of the devil himself.

When Luffy is alone in his room he can't go on his phone since it's been missing for the past two months. Neither can he read Law's letters because he is not long sent them. He just sits, thinks, cries, or eats. He believes he's hit the lowest point of his life where nothing excites him anymore.

Back to the endless cycle of looking at the grandma wallpaper and thinking back to when everything had gone wrong. How much he misses Law and wished that he could've just got his number the night they met. All of this would've never happened.

He never would've got back together with Zoro, Law would have never got together with Nami. They would've been different people with different lives. Everything could've been at peace and calm, but it doesn't work that way. Life doesn't work that way.

They say never to hold onto the past, but it's the past that's haunting and holding onto Luffy. As much as he tries to forget and face his reality he is still stuck with this suffocating burden of missing and longing. The loneliness that grows inside of him kills him and slowly chips away at his spirit.

He'd also think not only about Law but about Sabo. How he quickly left him just like that, his only brother and family he had left. He truly didn't think it through when he came here. Back when he still had his phone, he'd occasionally text Sabo and update him.

Every response was Sabo begging him to come back.

To the point where Luffy had sort of died down with the updates, he slowed down on the updates he'd give him. Or try to come up with a new topic they could talk about. But he still carried that guilt of leaving his only family. He and Sabo would fight like normal siblings, but at the end of the day, he was his older brother.

He missed his older brother.

All the things Sabo nagged Luffy about were the things he missed most. He missed his constant nagging of forgetting his apron at work or when he'd do something reckless. He somewhat missed the annoying comment "What would Ace think?" It's got that bad, he buried himself in the blankets.

This weekend both Robin and Mihawk were not home. She's decided to give him fresh air and take him to this elderly care place. It was a small vacation resort where senior citizens can go to take walks or hikes around the park, go to the sauna, get massages, and have room service. It was basically a hotel for old people.

That meant Luffy was alone in the house with Zoro.

He tried not to come out of his bedroom, it had a bathroom built in so he didn't have to worry about that part. But it's as food and water he worried about. It's been the whole day, it was turning to nighttime already. He hasn't eaten since last night. He clenched his stomach and how parched he felt. His stomach was betraying him and his body felt shaky.

If he was quick, Zoro would never notice.

He quietly opened his bedroom door and slowly went down the stairs to the kitchen. He flinched every time the floorboard would squeak. However, he heard no sound from the house. But then he noticed the open refrigerator and empty beer cans on the floor. Zoro had been drinking which was a red flag automatically and Luffy needed to get out fast.

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