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the truth

"Luffy," She paused for a second, "Are you in love with Law?"

She knows.

"Stop, don't say that." He whispered.

He reached out for his best friend when she slapped his hand away. He felt his heart sink to the floor.

"I fucking knew it, I knew you two had something going on all along. How could I have been so idiotic?!" She talked to herself.

"Nami please—"

"We've been friends for years! I've helped you through you and Zoro's breakup and even was there for you all the time when your brother died!" She shouted back, "Tell me the truth, do you love Law?!"

She was right, one hundred percent correct. Their years of friendship were built on honesty, trust, and care. Luffy had ruined that relationship the moment he kissed his best friend's boyfriend. He felt sick to his stomach thinking about the moment.

He paused, "Yes. I do love him."

She pinched the bridge of her nose as her eyes grew watery. But Luffy can tell she was trying to stop herself from crying, she'd always do that. She loved putting on a brave face all the time, telling the world how she was perfectly fine. Back in high school as the cheer captain she'd always get injured, but she'd put on a brave face for the rest of the team to show that she was fine.

It was honestly pretty weird considering she could break her own arm and would not shed a tear. Always putting on her beautiful smile, insuring the others she was okay.

She wasn't okay though, she doesn't allow herself to cry. She only cries when it's truly serious, the kind of serious that makes you want to throw up or shut out everyone. Now, her own best friend has made her cry. That was fucking serious if Nami is crying.

"Did you recognize him when he was at the party? For how long did you know he was golden boy?" She questioned as her voice rose.

"I knew the moment I saw him again at your party... I just didn't think it was good timing."

"I'm your fucking best friend!" She yelled, "How could you not tell me the moment you knew?! I tell you every goddamn thing that happens to me!"

"How could I tell you?!" He began raising his own voice, "You were so excited to date him, you couldn't stop thinking about him! I couldn't stop thinking about him either! It killed me every day that I couldn't hold him as you did, but I had to... you liked him."

"Three fucking years Luffy, you kept your feelings for my own boyfriend for three fucking years!" She laughed a sour laugh, "What? Did you wait for the moment we would break up and then tell me the love you have for him?"

"It was torturous Nami! I was in love with my best friend's boyfriend! I tried my damn best to suppress the feelings I had for him because he's yours!"

"Did you ever sleep with him?"

He stopped like he was paralyzed, he wished he was because he wouldn't have to tell her about the night. However his silence was enough of an answer for her, she scoffed and began leaving.

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