𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐎𝐍𝐄: golden boy

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"Are you sure you can handle the cafe alone?" Sabo coughed as he laid on the couch with a wet cloth over his forehead.

"Yes, I assure you I'm going to be fine." Luffy sighed, "I've done it a million times before, I'm an adult now anyways."

"Remember to always smile and thank the customer and—"

"I know, I know."

Luffy then left the bedroom and walked downstairs to open up the place for the day. He adjusted his brown beret and turned the closed sign to open. He opened the windows and breathed in the fresh air as it entered the room. He always loved early mornings, the smell of fresh coffee beans, and the birds chirping in the trees.

"Time to get started." He cracked his knuckles.

His older brother Ace, who had owned the cafe passed away a few years ago. Leaving Sabo to take care of Luffy, even though it sucked that Ace was gone Luffy had to grow up. He couldn't sit around being mopey while there were bills to pay.

He knows his other older brother Sabo like the back of his hand, despite him being always positive, kind-hearted, and strong. He was weak inside and Luffy could see how his eyes would darken whenever Ace was brought up.

After all Ace's death hurt Sabo the most in the family since they were twins. Same age, same day, and the same mindset. Both of them are headstrong, stubborn, and yet smart. Ace was the one who started this café, Sabo just helped promote it.

The two of them were close, which left Luffy sometimes feeling left out as a kid since he was the youngest. He didn't mind though, Sabo and Ace were best friends, and Luffy was like a small little pet to them. Someone they had to look after and take care of rather than a buddy to hang out with.

"Could I have the sweethearts cupcake please?" A man asked.

Luffy handed one to him, "That'll be $5.50."

The guy paid for it and walked over to his girlfriend that was waiting at the table. Luffy rolled his eyes and wanted to puncture them out. He hated couples, not rather hate but secretly feel envious of. Ever since Luffy was a kid he's always been told the right one will come to you at the right time. Love simply cannot be rushed.

However he wished it did, he already finished college and still didn't have a lover in so long.

He's heard about the fairytales like true love at first sight, true love can save all, that was all bullshit. Realistically speaking he didn't believe soulmates were real, there was no such thing as a person who's one hundred percent right for another. Life is full of divorce, cheating, and separation. There isn't anyone right for each other.

"Here is your bagel and coffee." Luffy softly smiled at the lady

"Thank you!"

His phone rang, "Hello?"

"How's everything at the café?"

"Zoro... how many times have I told you I can handle this."

"I know you can, if you need any help though you know I'm free."

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