"I don't care what the fuck you're doing, what the fuck she asked from you , you will drop everything and do whatever the fuck she asks you to do without no hesitation whatsoever."

Again they answer simultaneously, "yes sir."

"If Hailey asks you to jump I want you to fucking leap," he says, his voice booming through out the open floor. "If she wants you to run I suggest you fucking sprint! If she wants you to shut the fuck I expect you to fucking go mute, am I making myself clear?!"

"Yes sir."

Pops glances in my direction and I'm taking a step forward so that I'm now standing beside him again, "if for any reason my wife dismisses you from her presence, because I can promise you that she most likely will at some point, you will do no such thing," I grit. "You stand your fucking ground, you hide, you do whatever the hell you have to do to make yourself unknown to her. If I find out that you left your post and something happened to my wife, my baby, you're the one who's gonna need to fucking hide, capisci?"

"Yes sir," they continued their repeated command.

"Push back," Don says as he takes a couple steps forward, now standing in front of my pops and I, an iPad in his hand.

The crowd of men immediately moved back.

Don looks down at his iPad, "step forward if I call your name.. Patricio."

I cross my arms and look out into the sea of men to find Ric grimacing at the mention of his birth name and immediately begins to push forward until he is standing in the front, alone, but not for long.

"Ian," Don calls the second name. Metcalf quickly emerges from the crowd and begins to move forward.

"Adolfo," Ric's new best friend, Aj, steps forward.

"Nathaniel," Don calls lastly.

I watch my cousin Nate frown from the back of the crowd but nonetheless he moves forward until he's standing with the other three guys.

Don puts the tablet down, "you idiots are crucial," he points at all four guys. "Hailey has formed some type of friendship with you which puts you at the top of the list.. Aj- you just so happened to be lucky enough to fall into this category because of how well you and Ric have been working with each other."

My dad takes a step forward, "don't for a second underestimate the bond that you have with my daughter-in- law, thinking that it's probably gonna cut you a break because being that close to her, her feeling comfortable around you, only means that I'm going to add much more pressure on you. I'll expect more from this group than the others. I want a drug test from you asap," he points to my cousin.

Nate rolls his eyes and is quickly looking away from us.

Nathaniel has definitely been taking my dad up and down on a wild roller coaster ride ever since he lost his mom. He has his good days and his bad days, bad more than good and we've been in his bad days for almost two months now.

Pops has stuck Nate into rehab about twice now because he's been drowning and numbing himself with drugs and alcohol, he spends more time detoxing with the guys than he spends it sober.

He's on day four of being sober, which would explain the irritability mood that he's displaying, he's on edge and Pops said he's gonna do whatever he has to do to ensure he stays sober this time, which means random drug test and if they're not negative back down to the basement he goes.

I make a mental note to make some extra time to spend with him and check to see how he's doing, maybe bring Jess along if he's not acting like a total asshole, she's been dying to see her brother.

The Mafia's Son IIIWhere stories live. Discover now