Episode 38: Potion Madness 2

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Me: (Comes in my studio and see that there's potion spills everywhere) Ok what happened while I was gone?


Me: Uh Matt, have you looked over there? (Points to Tk's clothes laying there)

(The clothes begin to move and Tk was now a two year old baby boy. His clothing was hanging on him rather loosely, almost falling off of him. He then toddled out of his oversized underwear and pants and looked around.)

Tk: Evewything so big.

(He covered his mouth surprised by his newly acquired lisp. Tk was confused about what just happened, so he just toddled forward aimlessly, hoping to run into Matt and Patamon. Luckily, he runs into them.)

Tk: Matt! Patamon!

Patamon: Tk?! Is that you!?

(Tk nodded and raised his arms at Matt. Matt carefully picked up Tk and held him in his arms.)

Matt: How did this happen?

Tk: One of Camiwwa's potions caused it.

Suddenly, Tk began to pee on his now rather large shirt. Tk blushed and sniffled out of embarrassment. Matt sighed and rubbed Tk's back.

Matt: (calmly) Shh, it's okay Tk. You can't control your bladder and your bowels anymore, so accidents will be happening a lot more frequently.

Tk began to cry into Matt's chest.

Tk: It na' faiw! Why this happen to me!?

Matt continued to try and calm his baby brother down until both the boy's crying and peeing had ceased. He then removed Tk's soaked shirt, prompting a gasp of embarrassment from Tk, and then wrapped Tk up in a blanket that Sora gave him for some reason.

Me: (to Jimmy, Tommy, Danny and Timmy) Also what are you guys doing here?

Jimmy: Spongebob called us to came over so yeah.

Timmy: Cosmo and Wanda teleported me here and they're with me too.

Me: Well in that case, please welcome Danny Fenton, Jimmy Neutron, The Rugrats All Grown Up Gang, Timmy Turner and his god parents Cosmo and Wanda!

Danny: Thx for the introduction.

Tommy: So this is what the studio looks like.

Me: yep.

Star: Also the Friday Flareon, SSEC and ES casts left after Episode 37.

Kari: Tk's not the only one who got changed by the potions.

(Kari comes out as a Salamon)


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Tai: Kari! You've been turned into a Digimon!

Tk: Kawi! Why awe you a Sawamon?

Ask or Dare: Cartoon and Anime All Stars (my edition) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now