Chapter 10

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"You just have to push that button before you open the site", explains Ryan as he points at the screen.

I still don't know why Ryan suddenly acted sadistic a couple of days ago. But it's all okay between us. "Okay." "Good now yo-" The door slams open and Dai walks in. Silently he walks to the table and looks in the bag that Botan brought with him yesterday. "Good morning to you too", I say. Dai just glances at me without saying a single word. Ryan ignores him as he continues to explain how to hack into another computer.

While I'm busy following Ryan's instructions, I don't notice Dai taking something out of the bag. He leaves the room as if nothing happened. Botan also comes into the base. "And finally you-" "[Name]-San and Ryan-sama, you'll be alone for a couple of hours. Don't do anything stupid while I'm gone", he says and leaves us be. "And finally you have-" "If Damian comes home, say he's an asshole", interrupts Noami and also leaves.

"And finally you-"
"Don't break anything!"

Ryan's eyes give a slight red highlight when he gets interrupted for the third time. When everyone leaves I see that Ryan still is pissed off. I guess he doesn't like to get Interrupted at all. "Maybe we should take a break", I suggest. Ryan sighs and I get up, we both go upstairs to the daylight.

I think about this night, the reflection, the voice, the song... It gets shivers down my spine every time I think about it. "Ryan, how much do you know about, that spirit that came last night?" I ask. "Why do you ask, I assume something had happened." "Oh, many things are happening to me. Only last night was a bit... much. Just answer the question", I reply. "To be honest, not much. But you can tell me anyway." I begin to explain my weird dreams and what happened last night. Surprisingly, Ryan is paying a lot of attention to it. "Do you want to know where does come from?" "Yes, but... you don't think it's just a coincidence?" I ask. "Not if you have trouble with it."

Ryan seems to think. His hair hangs before his face as he gets a small grin on his face. "I might know someone who could figure it out for you", he says. "Really?" "Yeah, we have to drive to the city though." I jump up in surprise. "No problem, let's go!"

After Ryan was driving me to the city we stop by a crowded shopping street. I follow Ryan to an abandoned ally where no people walk in. I somehow get a bad feeling but decide to ignore it. There is a black door, the black paint is almost completely worn off, and the door handle is dirty. Ryan knocks four times on the door before it opens revealing a pitch-black room. Ryan comes in with no hesitation. I follow carefully behind him, not trusting this at all.

What is this place? What if Ryan is back to his "other" self?

"Well well, visitors have we?" Ryan stops. On the second floor hangs a familiar young man sitting on the railing. He has messy white hair, grey skin, and sharp teeth. He looks barely human. Wait... Declan? The brother of the most feared villain?

Declan's red eyes shine through the darkness as he smiles widely at us. His legs were crossed over each other and a grey stick in his hand was decorated with silver. "Wait, is that?" Declan jumps down to our level disappearing into the shadows. Suddenly two cold hands grab my shoulders. I yelp as Declan stands behind me. "Look here! Damian's little girlfriend~"

The villain turns fully at me. "Friend, to be exact", I correct him. "Really? I wouldn't have guessed", he smiles sarcastically. Now I see him so close to me that he's at least a head bigger than me, and he still has the scar on his face. He is kind of handsome if he didn't have the psychopathic aura around him. "She needs your help, Declan", says Ryan. "And why would I help her?" "It's a favor, villains among each other", replies Ryan. Declan turns back to me. His eyes scanning me up and down. "You know I don't do favors, I want to get paid back. I don't care if it's coins, freedom, or life."

"In name of my father"

"Oh what, do I have to be convinced now?"

"My father worked together with yours for centuries, this is the least you can do. Or do you want me to ask Zyrian?"

Declan sighs. "Okay okay! What is this 'favor'?" Ryan points at me. "She is troubled by some spirit from the past. We want more information..." "Very well." Declan's eyes shift to mine. "Come with me then." Ryan already follows but I grab his arm. "I don't trust that guy!" I whisper. "If you want to know what this spirit wants of you, you don't have much of a choice", he claims. I sigh and let go of his arm.

We come by a room, there is a round table with candles. The walls are partly broken and it's very dark, with only candlelight lighting up the room. I and Declan sit opposite each other. He grabs my hands with a strong grip and we rest them on the table. I glance at Declan. He is right now quite the opposite of what he was in the fight. He is serious and concentrated. The aura around him completely changed.

"I could swear I know you..."

"Sorry, what?"


I frown at him, not understanding what he said. "Don't think of anything and concentrate on your mind. That spirit is probably somewhere inside you, try to find it."

"What happens if I find it?"

"Then it will be messy..."

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