Chapter 6

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We park near a street of stores, it isn't as busy as the supermarket. I and Damain step out of the car. "Girly, do not talk to strangers. People here aren't the nicest, "warns Damian. "Alright." We go into a store full of gadgets, some I recognize from Botan his base. "I thought you made all those gadgets yourself..."No, unfortunately, we do not have the brain for it. There you have to go to Felix, "he replies. Damian gets something on a shelf with a large price on it and tosses it at me. I can just catch it before it falls on the ground, yet I lose my balance and stumble back. Just before my body hits the ground and two strong arms catch me. "Ho, there! Be careful." I look up to see my savior. A young man just a few years older than me. He has curly brown hair and a kind smile. "Noah, what a surprise," says Damian with a grin on his face. 'Noah?' "Thanks", I stand up and smile. "Are you new here? What's a young girl doing in a villain store?" asks the brown-haired male. "She is our minion." Damian answers for me. "Oh, I see." That kind of man can't be a villain, right?

"Anyway, we have to go. Before father gets annoyed. Say hello to me for Felix!" "I will!" Damian walks away, and I quickly follow him, I glance behind before opening the door and see Noah waving. "Come on, girly! We don't have all day." I follow him back into the car. "A friend of yours?" I ask. "Yeah, we used to be in the same school."Oh..." Damian starts the car, and we start to drive. "Noah doesn't look like a villain to me." "Because he isn't. He is a secret agent." I frown.

A villain and a secret agent are friends? What for strange dimensions, am I? When I look back at the road, a broken wall falls right before us. "Damain!" Damian can turn the wheel just in time to avoid the rocks. The car skids back and forth and squeaky we come to a stop. My heart races, and we both just stare in horror before us. "What was that?!" I shout. "I think... a building was just destroyed and... some parts flew on the road... almost killing us." I open the door of the car and crawl out. My legs never tremble as hard as now. I almost freaking died!!

"[Name], watch out!" An arm embraces my middle, and I get pushed away just a few inches away from another part of a fallen building. I can feel Damain's muscular chest close to mine. "Damian, what's happening?" I look up to see two flying figures high up on the skyline that remains. "Is that a fight?" "Yes! Now come on." Damian grabs my wrist and drags me away to the car. But it doesn't last long till the broken skyline can't hold anymore and collapses right up on the car. "That will cost a lot of money. I hope you have insurance," I say. Damian growls frustrated. "Oh, Damian. Care to join me?" A male, which I assume is the same one that fought with a hero just a second ago, lands down before us. He has horns on his head and large scars on his face. His skin is grey as stone, and his eyes are glowing red. "And who's this?" His eyes pierce into mine, a psychopathic grin on his face. "A friend of yours as well?" I ask. Damian glares at the villain and protectively stands between us.

Guess not...

"Don't you have a hero to take care of, Declan?" says Damian. "Jesus, why so angry? Protecting your girlfriend, how sweet!" Suddenly, the villain 'Declan' gets pushed against a wall that breaks into many pieces. "Kallan?" The familiar face looks up surprised. "[Name], you are not supposed to be here. You could get hurt!" With that, because of another blast, Kallan crashes into another building. "Kallan!" "Alright time to go!" Damian grabs my collar and drags me away. Together, we run to the nearest car. "What are we going to do? We need to help Kallan. He could be hurt!" "Girly, don't you still get it? He's a hero, and I'm a villain. We do NOT help each other!" With that, he breaks a car window into pieces and opens the door. "Get in!" I do what he says and crawl into the car. He follows behind and pushes on the pedal. The car begins to tremble. "Let's get out of here." The car begins to move forward, another blast destroys a building. A shadow covers the road we drive on. "It's gonna fall on us!" My heart races as Damain gives more gas on the pedal. He curses under his breath as the falling rocks fall our way. We swing in all directions, just avoiding the giant parts. My heart races and my hands uncontrollably grab the seat, like I'm falling off a rollercoaster. We drive into another street, and with a loud crash, the collapsed building falls on the broken road. I sigh in relief. I look out of the window to see a last glimpse of the fight. "You think we are safe now?" I ask. "We won't be safe as long as Declan is there," Damian replies with disgust in his voice. "Who is he anyway?" "He is just like us descendants of a supervillain. He is out for revenge, blinded by his anger. He is right now in full madness!" The car comes brutally to a stop, and Damain steps out. I follow his lead and recognize the road. This is just a block away from his home! I honestly never felt so relieved in my entire life! "You know the way from here?" He asks. "Yes, where are you going?" I ask. "Finishing some business." Damian walks away, and I stare at him till I can't see him anymore.

Why is he so cold and mysterious? Perhaps I shouldn't complain. He saved my life. I should thank him when I see him again.

I open the door to the house. The sunlight shines through the windows, and I get a home feeling. I plop down on the sofa, thanking myself for being alive and safe. "God... what am I going to be happy back at home." I close my eyes not realizing I drift away to sleep.

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