Your Happiness Is My Everything

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Male Reader POV - I was in the kitchen helping Al Haitham peel and wash potatoes as Kaveh was setting the table. Just then I suddenly felt a hand cup the side of my head startling me causing me to gasp.

Al Haitham - Relax I'm just checking your ear

Male Reader - O-oh

Al Haitham - How's it feeling? Any pain? Is the device I've implemented helping?

Male Reader - Yeah I think so I haven't been paying much attention though

Al Haitham - Hmm..

Al Haitham POV - I've began to move my fingers around and underneath the device just above the Akasha notcing (Y/N) began to flinch alittle concerning me. Was the device not helping? It didn't seem like he was in any pain but then why this reaction?

Al Haitham - Once we eat dinner I'd like to check on your ear make sure the device is doing it's job properly

Male Reader - *Frowns* Ok

Male Reader POV - I went back to washing the Potatoes only for my hands to be pulled out of the water.

Al Haitham - Go help Kaveh your hands are beginning to dry out I don't want them to get cracked and sore

Male Reader POV - A tint of red made it's way across my cheeks before looking down. He was being nice again but why? Rather than disputing him I slowly nodded my head handing him the potatoe before drying my hand on a nearby soon walking over towards the table.

Kaveh - (Y/N) are you done helping? *Smiles*

Male Reader - Yeah Al Haitham wanted me to come help you now and have my hands rest

Kaveh - Well I'm just about done setting plates and silverware

Male Reader - .....

Kaveh - (Y/N) *Frowns* I'm sorry you didn't pass your test

Male Reader - It's ok Professor Rajkumar said he would give me more opportunities in the future

Kaveh - I'm glad *Smiles*

Male Reader POV - He began to ruffle my hair soon seeing Al Haitham walk over with a pan of what looked like chicken baked golden brown. It smelled sweet and heavenly

Al Haitham - Shall we eat now?

Male Reader POV - I blushed as Kaveh led me over to a nearby chair sitting down feeling myself be pushed in.


Male Reader POV - I sat across from Al Haitham and Kaveh looking around the table seeing all the delicious food spread out. Between the rotisserie chicken,roast veggies,mashed potatoes and gravy,some pudding and cake

Kaveh - This is nice it's been so long since we've had a meaningful dinner

Male Reader - Huh? How come

Al Haitham - Hmph we've never had a reason to is all

Male Reader - But it's what brings people together having gatherings and moments like this are supposed to be special and shouldn't be dismissed

Al Haitham POV - My eyes grew heavy as my heart began to race hearing (Y/N) words.

Al Haitham POV - My eyes grew heavy as my heart began to race hearing (Y/N) words

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Kaveh - Well I'm glad we were able to have this moment tonight it feels nice

Male Reader - *Twiddles thumbs* do you think maybe we can have more moments like this?

Al Haitham - You're planning on staying for a long while correct?

Male Reader - Well umm maybe I-

Al Haitham - Maybe? Do you plan on going somewhere else?

Male Reader POV - His tone was low and annoyed causing me to gulp.

Kaveh - Hey what's with you? Aren't we supposed to be having a good dinner?

Al Haitham POV - My eyes softend seeing (Y/N) begin to get upset sighing to myself letting it go.

Al Haitham - I'm sorry I know...I'm doing it again I-I'm always causing issues putting you in unnecessary and uncomfortable situations

Male Reader - It's ok sometimes you hurt my feelings but it's not intentional I know you don't purposely upset me

Al Haitham - Y-yeah *Frowns*


Male Reader POV - After dinner I sat ontop of the bathroom counter next to the sink as Al Haitham parted my hair.

Al Haitham - Let's check your ear now

Male Reader - *Nods*

Male Reader POV - I giggled alittle feeling his fingers run through the side of my hair as he took the Akasha off placing it on the sink next to me before taking the device off my hear.

Al Haitham POV - Once I've taken everything off I inspected (Y/N) ear seeing it wasn't bleeding but it was infact alittle red.

Al Haitham - I should have applied more cream throughout the days since I've put this on you

Male Reader - *Sighs sadly*....

Al Haitham POV - Reaching in the bathroom cabinet above his head I pulled out a small white tube before squeezing some cream onto my fingers.

Male Reader POV - A cold sensation made it's way to my ear causing me to shiver feeling instant relief again.

Male Reader - H-hey umm how come you have that cream laying around? Are you in pain with your ears to?

Al Haitham - No it's specifically for you along with some other stuff I've bought

Male Reader - Other stuff?

Male Reader POV - He walked out of the bathroom as I stayed sitting ontop of the counter seeing him open up the closet from the other side of the bathroom.

Male Reader - Al Haitham?

Male Reader POV - Next thing I knew he pulled out what appeared to be a stack of fresh clothes and pajamas along with some shoes and slippers causing me to gasp.

Male Reader POV - *Wide eyes* "He was prioritizing me? Since when did he have time to buy all of this for me!? And why?" I rubbed my arm uncomfortably not understanding any of this seeing him walk back in handing me a pair of fuzzy green pajama pants a white baggy t-shirt and green fuzzy slippers.

Al Haitham - It looks to be about your size it should be comfortable as well

Male Reader - Y-you didn't have to do this for me

Al Haitham - You let me worry about what I don't and do for you *Whispers*

Male Reader POV - Unsure why but a tear began to run down my left eye feeling Al Haitham gently brush them away.

Al Haitham - I promise I'll treat you better from now I assure you

Male Reader - *Sniffles*....ok

....I trust you

Leaves In The Wind (Complete/To Be Continued)Where stories live. Discover now