Opportunities Arise

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Al Haitham POV - Once dinner was over we headed back home frowning to myself. Tonight was supposed to be a night where I'd enjoy my time with (Y/N) instead I've been nothing but sad

Male Reader - I sure did have a wonderful night with you again *Smiles* Thankyou so much! the food was delicious and I've gotten to see the owner again tonight made me very happy

Al Haitham - (Y/N) *Whispers*

Al Haitham POV - He began to skip ahead of me without thinking I grabbed his arm gently pulling him back before spinning him around looking into the beautiful orbs.

Male Reader - Huh? Is something wrong?

Male Reader POV - He held onto my arm tighter before slowly moving his hands down grabbing mine.

Al Haitham - I apologize for my behavior tonight

Male Reader - Huh? What do you mean you weren't rude or anything

Al Haitham - But I've been negative

Male Reader - *Sighs* I've noticed you were upset but I wanted us to try and have a good night but now since we are done with dinner I'd like to ask what had you so upset?

Al Haitham - ....

Male Reader - Please tell me you can't be bottling up emotions you know I care and want you to be happy

Al Haitham POV - Those words hit me hard squeezing his hands tighter never feeling like this towards anyone else before. My forhead began to sweat bullets before giving a nervous smile speaking in an uncomfortable tone.

Al Haitham - Well I clearly wanted us to have a wonderful night but we went to the same place twice now I was hoping to avoid that entirely

Al Haitham POV - Lying between my teeth was something I didn't want to do but at the same time what was I supposed to say? "Hey don't leave Sumeru it would kill me inside?" No it wasn't exactly ideal for me besides what would he think? Would he be confused? See me as selfish? Perhaps even get angry with me? Ever since I've met the kid something changed inside me at first he was just someone I've met a self intrigued boy who wanted to learn all Sumeru had to offer. But now he was someone I've soo enjoyed to have kept around me I felt warmth in my heart something I didn't want to end. But soon I've began to develop excruciating pain like a burning sensation. The fact (Y/N) was spending time with Gregor the way he wanted to take him back to Mondstadt...to take him away from me.

Male Reader - Oh is that all? Al Haitham I've had a wonderful night with you! It doesn't matter if we go there millions of times the important thing I've got to spend my night enjoying a lovely meal with you keeping me company

Al Haitham POV - He moved his hand up confusing me suddenly feeling his thumb brush under my right eye.

Male Reader - You're crying *Whispers*

Al Haitham - *Tears* I'm sorry

Male Reader - You have nothing to apologize for it's alright I promise

Al Haitham - But I-ngh!

Al Haitham POV - He suddenly pulled me into a hug stunned but soon hugged back shaking.

Al Haitham - I've enjoyed my time with you during dinner you know that right?

Male Reader - *Nods* I know

(Y/N) please don't leave me...
Al Haitham POV - Once we've gotten back home we've noticed Kaveh was already in bed fast asleep. I waved goodnight to (Y/N) as he gave me one last hug before letting go heading to his own room leaving me to stand in the livingroom in silence to sulk.


Al Haitham POV - After a few moments have past I walked over before sitting in a nearby chair unable to go to sleep right now twiddling my fingers. "(Y/N) you came into my life not knowing what you're doing to me" Looking over I've noticed the top desk drawer was slightly open groaning annoyed "Damnit Kaveh can't you learn to keep things organized?" Reaching over I was about to shut it until I've noticed the corner of a peice of paper was sticking out. Confused I gently took the paper feeling the texture as it was neatly folded. "A letter? Since when did my roommate acquire this?" I wanted to put the note back in respect of invading ones privacy but then I've noticed (Y/N) name was written on the bottom outer edge of the paper. My heart immediately began to beat fast quickly opening it not caring anymore reading each line carefully.


Al Haitham POV - I soon dropped the paper feeling pale tears immediately formed before hunching over giving small Whimpers. "H-he may graduate?! He'll end up leaving Sumeru then!" I remembered what Gregor said before about them both graduating together and possibly moving back to the city of wind and freedom luckily I was able to stop that conversation between him and (Y/N) still what would stop Gregor from telling him afterwards? Reading the letter again something caught my eye realizing he'd have to pass some sort of test in order to graduate.

Test...he needs to pass.....

Al Haitham POV - I gave an unsettling laugh placing my hand on my head unable to stop my smile. "He needed to pass a test that's all he needed to do? But what if he failed? What if I got in the way of his success?" Sanity began to leave my brain folding the letter back up before placing it back in the drawer closing it.

Kaveh - Al Haitham?

Al Haitham POV - I jumped out of my skin seeing Kaveh walk over rubbing his eyes giving a nervous smile. "It seemed he didn't catch me reading that letter"

Kaveh - You're back late *Rubs eyes*

Al Haitham - Tch and?

Kaveh POV - is (Y/N) alright?

Al Haitham POV - I was caught off guard by the question as my gaze soften before standing up.

Al Haitham - He's in bed sleeping soundly

Kaveh - Good...hey umm Gregor is coming over tomorrow before you all leave to the Akademiya we have something to discuss with the both of you

Al Haitham POV - I balled my fists before gritting my teeth trying to keep my composure.

Al Haitham - Yeah sure....

Al Haitham POV - We both exchanged goodnights as he headed off the bed leaving me by myself. "He wanted to talk to me about that damn letter the opportunities (Y/N) has" the whole thing honestly made me sick feeling my stomach twist and turn into knots.

Leaves In The Wind (Complete/To Be Continued)Where stories live. Discover now