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Male Reader POV - I walked with Al Haitham feeling bad that we left Gregor behind soon my arm was let go as we both headed inside the Akademiya.

Male Reader - Hey what happend why were you dragging me like that?

Al Haitham - Tch

Male Reader POV - Looking up at the clock I've noticing how early it was no students even showed up yet.

Male Reader - ...The whole building is empty and we still have 15 minutes

Al Haitham - .....

Male Reader POV - I've began to get annoyed at his attitude as he stayed silent. I was about to say something until I've felt a tap on my shoulder confused I turned around seeing it was the Professor giving me a warm smile. My anger and frustration immediately disappeared smiling back before ruffling my hair.

Rajkumar - (Y/N) it's good to see you again

Male Reader - Sir I've gotten your letter! Did you mean it?! I-I may have a chance to graduate?!

Rajkumar POV - I saw the excitement across (Y/N) face placing a hand on his shoulder.

Rajkumar - Calm yourself *Chuckles* why don't we go and get your test ready for you

Male Reader - Ok

Al Haitham - *Crosses arms*....

Al Haitham POV - I saw the both of them walk off before looking down balling my fists. So this was it he's taking the test and then what? Will he leave Sumeru if he passes? The thought angered me. Just what did Mondstadt have to offer?....What did Gregor have to offer?
Kaveh POV - As soon as Gregor left I walked over in the living room before picking up the letter giving a frown. "Al Haitham do you truly not want (Y/N) to leave? Why? Do him?"

--------------------------------------------------------------Male Reader POV - I sat at my desk swinging my legs back and forth focusing hard on my test as Rajkumar was teaching the other students

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Male Reader POV - I sat at my desk swinging my legs back and forth focusing hard on my test as Rajkumar was teaching the other students.

Gregor - Are you doing alright?

Male Reader - *Nods* I think so it's just alot of questions but I'm taking my time

Al Haitham POV - Watching from a distance I've noticed the boy was struggling biting my tongue. I knew it was wrong but I secretly wanted him to fail to not be able to graduate and get that diploma he needed more time here. Looking over at Rajkumar desk I saw a pile of papers noticing it was blank tests tilting my head to the side. "Has the Professor forgotten to put the rest away or something? Perhaps I can use this to my advantage."


Male Reader POV - After lunch I looked up at the clock seeing we've still had 20 minutes left before our break was over.

Gregor - It looks like you have time to finish the rest of the test now

Male Reader - Mhm! I've only got 2 questions left

Gregor - I'm surprised you're getting it done so fast you've still got half a day left (Y/N) you're amazing!

Male Reader - Giggling at the praise I went back to scribbling down some answers only to stop noticing a shadow on my paper. Looking up I've seen it was Al Haitham as he gave me a blank stare but noticed something else with his eyes almost like they held sadness in them.

Al Haitham - I see you've made progress are you finished yet?

Male Reader - Actually I just got done *Smiles big*

Al Haitham POV - My heart began to beat fast knowing fully well what I was about to do but

Al Haitham - Allow me to take it back then

Male Reader - That's so kind of you are you sure you're ok with that?

Al Haitham - *Nods* I insist

Al Haitham POV - My heart went a mile a minute as (Y/N) handed me the piece of paper clutching it tightly quickly thanking him before turning walking away.


Gregor - *Raises eyebrow* That was strange I didn't think he'd do that for you

Male Reader - It's ok he's actually been trying harder to be nicer to me

Gregor - I'm glad you don't deserve to be treated poorly regardless if he means it or not
Al Haitham POV - Walking down the hallway I've looked over the paper inspecting each question. "This was the test I've taken years ago and graduated early as well" I knew the answers to each one frowning my eyes made their way to each answer as my face went pale. "They're all correct". Without thinking I folded the paper up putting it in my back pocket before pulling out an identical one with my handwriting on it. The questions had purposely false answers on them with (Y/N) fake signature at the bottom. "I'm not going to let you go back to that pathetic city of wind Mondstadt tch Sumeru has so much to offer you more knowledge more opportunities I'm not going to let potential go to'll come to thank me one day."

Leaves In The Wind (Complete/To Be Continued)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant