A New Beginning

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Male Reader POV - I swung my legs back and forth unable to keep a big smile off my face. Ever since I've arrived at Sumeru I couldn't help but be curious on everything it had to offer. Flipping another page my smile widen as my eyes scanned more words. "The Dendro Archon was very interesting

Al Haitham - The Folio of Foliage..?

Male Reader POV - "Huh?" Looking up I saw a man with green hair crossing his arms giving me a blank stare causing me to tilt my head confused.

Male Reader POV - "Huh?" Looking up I saw a man with green hair crossing his arms giving me a blank stare causing me to tilt my head confused

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Al Haitham - What business do you have with that book?

Male Reader POV - His tone was bitter causing me to shrink in my seat not understanding his problem. Wasn't this a library I thought all books where alright to look at? I suppose not considering I'm not a member of Sumeru.

Male Reader - O-oh u-umm.....I-I can put it back I'm sorry sir

Al Haitham POV - I raised an eyebrow seeing him about to close the book quickly putting my hand over the pages.

Al Haitham - Someone like me comes down to the House of Daena often and I've never seen your face before.

Male Reader - Oh I'm not from around here I umm..travel alot

Male Reader POV - I rubbed my arm embarrassed hearing nothing but his breathing.

Male Reader - I understand if these books are for members only I-I never meant to impose or anything

Al Haitham POV - This kid had some mannerism but at the same time he seemed like he was scared...was I really that intimidating?

Al Haitham - It's perfectly fine to surround yourself with knowledge however you do have to be a member to view these books

Male Reader - Oh...

Al Haitham POV - He gave me a look of disappointment seeing him quickly apologize before closing the book.

Male Reader - I'm sorry sir I-

Al Haitham - I prefer if you'd call me by my name no need to be so formal

Male Reader - ....

Male Reader POV - I wasn't sure what to say gulping alittle before standing up out of my seat.

Al Haitham - You may call me Al Haitham I'm the Akademiya's Scribe a member from Haravatat

Male Reader POV - My eyes lit up smiling big holding the book tightly in my arms.

Male Reader - Wow so you must go on lots of adventures then?!

Al Haitham - Pardon?

Male Reader - Well you document findings right?

Al Haitham - Tch..

Male Reader POV - He gave me a dirty look causing me to flinch shaking alittle. Why was this guy so mean? Did I say something to upset him?

Leaves In The Wind (Complete/To Be Continued)Where stories live. Discover now