- Phoney - Soukoku

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"Wait wait! Go back-"

"Hm? what is it Yosano?"


She pointed at the set of images of Dazai and Chuuya. One with them sleeping on each other holding hands, Dazai and Chuuya at an aquarium; chuuya was pulling him along pointing smiling, The two looking up at stars fingers interlocked on the ground smiling, Chuuya carrying Dazai arguing it looks like and one with Dazai carrying a passed out chuuya.

"Hirostu" He clicked his teeth "Always taking unneeded pictures"

"You took pictures of mister fancy hat smiling! It's so pretty!"

"One of the slugs, pretty traits i suppose... He really did smile a lot.."

"Possibly cause he was happy you were in his life?"

"ew, stop" Dazai got laughter for the comment "Never kunikida... OH MY GOD, I FORGOT ABOUT MAID CHUUYA-"

"... Do we even want to know?"

"Relax Kunikida... It was a bet he lost. Koyo-san in the video too... Actually i just had a great idea"

"Oh no"
"Do it-"

Those two reactions went about the button he clicked to share; they ignored the chat names and why he had so many. He sent it to the black lizards + Koyo chat grinning... It didn't take long until it was blown with notifications-

Akutagawa: ....
Hirostu: Chuuya-san is gonna kill yo Dazai-san

Tachihara: NAUH YOU DIDN'T-

Dazai: Just revisted the gallery with the team. Akutagawa be happy-

Gin: I want-
Akutagawa: Thank you for not sending those and no gin


{ *chuuya is typing* }

Akutagawa: Hes gonna appear at your door step

"did... did he just joke?" Atsushi shivered "I cant..."

"Hes different when with people hes close to i suppose" Kyouka hums "I mean... It is still very weird for me too so don't worry"

Chuuya: Dazai Osamu, I hope you know i also have things and aren't afraid to publish them. I suggest you get the fuck off right now before i really do show up and drag you

Kouyou: I will be waiting for the funeral
hirostu: You boys...

Dazai: Yes sir ;-;

Chuuya: That's what i thought. Now if i find anyone besides Ane-san having that video, gravity will pay you a visit"

All: Understood Sir

Dazai: Kouyou, i can give you other things if you like

Kouyou: I will happily take them in private later. I know you have a lot since you took a lot of chuuya

Dazai: Exposing me? How cruel. I already got looks from the ADA
Tachihara: Thats hella fruity

Akutagawa: Neither of them are gonna acknowledge that

Chuuya: Nobody said do what you do with that camera. Now leave
Dazai: Chibi is so cruel... Look how cute you were back then though *dazai attached a video*


"Hahaha! You are so stupid!"

"Heh" Their hands intertwined could be seen "chibi is smiling at me again"

"Oh shut up... Why do you always record?"

"Hmmm... Blackmail"

"uh huh" He rolled his eyes "I will let you go and fall"

"Nooo!" Dazai camera showed they were at a roller rink; the flags could be seen "We aren't near the wall!"

"Thats what i thought.. Turn it off already so we can have fun Osamu"


Chuuya: Okay, i don't need a trip to the memory lane... Actually, i have a video of you busting your ass

Dazai: I'm gone. Don't you dare-
Chuuya: LMAO

Kouyou: It is a good thing for partners to be close. Still shocked me sometimes on what you two did though
Higuchi: Its nice hearing about our executive history

"alright!" Dazai got off the chat "Since that's done.. I think we all can go back to work"


"Really Ranpo?" he chuckled "But we aren't like that"

"Oh? Then scroll up"

"why do" He went to do so before realizing, stopping "I think this is done"

"Nah, nah" Yosano grinned "Scroll up"

"Dazai" The president shook his head "Its okay"

"Not you too... Just cause you know more doesnt mean hype them"

"You guys werent official so its not a big deal" Dazai groaned at the gasp that came around as the president continued, "see?"

"I hate you all" He went turning it off and from the projector and putting the phone away "Me and Chuuya weren't like that at all"

"I am getting we have fucked before" Dazai just left the room with his stuff which Ranpo cheered, "HA! CALLED IT-"

"I.. I rather not know this information" Atsushi got agreeance from a few "His love life is his love life"

"Says the bisexual boy who cant get no bitches"

"Yosano" Atsushi was gonna say something "Nevermind.."

"Atsushi" Kyouka gave him a look "you..."

"NO NO! It wasn't like that! I was gonna argue but shes not wrong plus, I am questioning my sexuality again"

"Oh... I was gonna say... You don't seem like a sexually active person"

"Who besides dazai seems sexually active to you?"


"Actually, i don't want to know by that look"

"If i say ranpo is one would you believe me?" The detective went choking on his candy as they all stared "You cant tell me him and Poe don't give those vibes"

"I can't even argue with you on it"



"How did looking at history turn into this?" He groaned face planting into the table "AND THAT KISS WAS ACCIDENTAL DO TO HOW WE FELL! YOU KNOW THIS-"

The End

(sorry for mistakes)

One-shot book Of BSD Ships and DrabblesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin