I gave a second chance to cupid💘

Start from the beginning

Mina wasn't the type to be convinced easily but she's really out of plans and hopes which led her to believe in Cupid and that this could be real since it is said that the movie was based on a true story in the beginning.

She knows she's crazy about it, but she was so determined because she had enough of being surrounded by couples while she's all alone at the moment.

She researched more about the movie and it said that the heartbox could be bought from Greece, it said it was made of fabric material that has rubies turned into powder that is why is could never look old it will always shine.

Without thinking twice, she called a reliable source to ship this for her, and she didn't mind if it would leave a dent on her bank account.

After all, she is a doctor, and the money she earns is more than enough for herself and for the extra things she wants since her parents are more than stable enough to spend for their living as they are business owners that just want their daughter to grow as an independent without their financial help.

Mina was anxious the whole week and came to a relief when the heartbox had arrived at her doorstep.

She bet 1/4 of her net worth on this heart box, so she really hoped that it would work.

With a deep breath, she started writing on a piece of paper what she wished for.

'A lover that could hold me and I'll adore is what I ask, not loneliness and envy of seeing other lovers before me. Please, dear Cupid, if you are indeed there and that I am worthy of receiving what I wished for, grant it upon me, and I will cherish my significant other with all my heart.'

With a smile of hope shown upon her face, she placed her very first letter to Cupid.

She then created it as a part of her everyday routine to write to Cupid every night before she goes to sleep.

*In the heavens*

The one and only Cupid sits and stares down at the woman who has been writing her romantic wish for 6 months now.

It has been a while since Cupid received any of those wishes since people rarely believed in her anymore.

Compared to the other wishes she had received before, she'd let those humans write for a year or more until she grants them, but this time, right from the very first letter Mina had sent it gave her a strong impact.

She felt the woman's determination and sincerity just from the very first letter. Immediately, Cupid wanted to see who the woman was, and as soon as she saw Mina's face, her heart skipped a beat.

As much as she wanted to help her badly as soon as possible compared to all the humans that have asked her before, she couldn't imagine the human with someone else, she couldn't explain why she'd feel some sort of jealousy if she'd help Mina be in someone else's arms.

That is why it took her 6 months just thinking of why she feels this way for the human and how to help her.

The rules of wishing to Cupid are simple. As soon as you have bought the heart box from Greece and dropped your first letter to Cupid, you must continue writing to her until she grants your desires, you must rely and only rely on those letters because if you lost hope then suddenly stop writing to Cupid or start effort on finding love by yourself, you will be out of luck in finding love at all.

Mina was aware of all of that, still, she risked everything for this, but because of the impatient type she is, she wonders if this was all worth it.


It has been half a year since she started writing, and yet not a single sign from Cupid. She thinks she has been scammed.

The night came when she was supposed to be writing another letter, but she hesitated, and she went directly to bed.

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