9. Angry with me.

Start from the beginning

I tried to defend myself further, saying, "Besides, my outfit is far more modest than what some of the other women wear to work. They come in here wearing little to nothing-" But I was interrupted by Dante, who didn't seem interested in hearing my perspective.

"You're not here to lecture me, Ms. Emerson," Dante's voice cut through the air, firm and direct. "You're here to do your job." His words were like a cold splash of reality as he gestured towards the substantial workload piled on his desk. "As you can see, there's a lot of work waiting for you. I expect all of it to be completed by the end of the day, and I don't want you leaving until it's done."

With a decisive wave of his hand, he ended our conversation abruptly, leaving me stunned by the horror of the task ahead.

"But it's impossible for me to complete so many files in one day," I protested, meeting Dante's gaze with a mixture of concern and frustration. "It would take me at least two days to get those done."

"Focus on your work, Ms. Emerson," Dante replied coldly. "It's a shame that you're struggling to keep up with your duties. If you don't step up your game, you may end up falling behind and getting left behind." With a smug smirk, he turned away, leaving me to confront the daunting workload ahead on my own.

As I picked up the weighty stack of files, my steps towards my desk were burdened not just by the physical load but also by a cascade of worries flooding my mind. The sense of being singled out by Dante lingered, gnawing at my thoughts. 

Despite maintaining punctuality and diligence since his arrival, it seemed as though he harbored a specific scrutiny for me. The puzzle of his expectations left me with a growing unease as I got started on the mountain of tasks before me.

The sudden thought of losing my job and not being able to provide for my children made my heart drop. I couldn't bear the idea of my babies being thrown out on the streets.

As I sat down at my desk, I couldn't concentrate on my work. My mind was preoccupied with thoughts of how to keep my job and provide for my family. I couldn't help but think about all the bills that were piling up and how much I needed this job.

I glanced at the pile of work on my desk and knew that I had to push through the distractions and focus on getting it done. The clock was ticking, and I had to finish everything by the end of the day which was simply impossible. With a deep breath, I began to work.

Hours later, despite feeling exhausted, I made the choice to skip my break and push forward with my work. However, as luck would have it, Dante appeared and handed me more files, adding more tasks to my already heavy workload.

"I need you to edit this five-page document, type it, and send it out to all employees of the company," he said before leaving the room, presumably to go for lunch.

I bit my lip in order to stop myself from crying as I thought about how cruel Dante was to me. I hadn't done anything bad to this man yet here he was after so many years of cheating on treating me like trash.

I couldn't believe how someone I had loved so deeply could treat me so horribly.

As I sat there, lost in my thoughts and memories, I realized that I had been holding onto this pain for far too long. It was time to let go of Dante and all the hurt he had caused me.

With a deep breath, I released my lip from between my teeth and let the tears fall freely down my cheeks as I continued to push through and work harder.

After typing and sending out the files to everyone, Dante came back to the office without even a glimpse my way, I took notice of the fact that the files had hardly moved before going back to work.

Even though I was totally starving I ignored the matter. While the air around me was tense and suffocating, Dante seemed to be the least bothered by it.

I quickly made a small dial to Mavis hoping that she'd save me this time around.


"I need your help."

"Not again! Why can't this man leave you the hell alone and stop taking advantage of you?!" Mavis yelled.

"Please May?" I begged while whispering.

"Fine. I'll just cancel my date, anything for my babies." She huffed.

"Thank you, also I was hoping you could take them out for ice-cream, I have the cash but-" For the second time today I was cut off once again by Dante.

"Where does it say it's appropriate for you to make personal calls while working?" Dante chimed in while staring me dead in the eyes from my desk.

"But I haven't taken lunch or a single break since-"

"I clearly don't see you on lunch or break Ms. Emerson which means you're on my company's valued time." He sternly stated and I ended my call and got back to work.

Such a prick.

I worked until it was finally time to go home, "I want all those files completed before you leave Ms. Emerson." Dante stated sternly, before I could protest Dante immediately walking out the office.

With a heavy heart I continued to work until I could no longer see the sun shining. I glanced at the time to see it was pass seven in the night.

A cleaning guy then entered the room, "Woah, you must really be tired, why not go home and complete all these works tomorrow?" He asked.

"Could you just come back later?" I begged to which he obliged.

I was in no mood for discussions. My head throbbed with pain, my stomach growled with hunger, and a mountain of files still awaited completion. It felt like I was on the brink of collapsing.

As I was in the midst of creating the files, a sudden wave of excruciating pain engulfed me, as if a ton of bricks had crashed upon me. I gritted my teeth in agony, holding on until everything faded into darkness.


Poor Faith, she doesn't deserve this😢

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