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Ethan's POV

"Ethan, don't make me say it again," Sophia warned as she stood at the head of my bed. Her hands remained on her hips in challenge as she glared down at me. "Olivia invited everyone, which means you're coming with."

I ignored her, not looking up from my phone as I lazily scrolled through it.

"Hey," Sophia snapped. "I'm talking to you, idiot."

Once again, I pretended not to hear.

"What if I told you that Rose is coming?" Sophia continued.

My head snapped up and I found her gaze. In disbelief, Sophia huffed, her sea grey eyes flashing with irritation. "Oh, so I'm not invisible anymore, huh?

"Rose is coming?" I repeated.

Sophia rolled her eyes and started for the door. "Elijah was right," she muttered. "All I gotta do is say her name."

"Is she or not?" I called after her.

"Come and you'll find out!" Sophia yelled over her shoulder as she walked out, disappearing from my sight. I stared after her, contemplating if it was worth it to go to the dinner Olivia was hosting tonight. I knew that Izzy was the only one already there since she'd wanted to visit.

Reluctantly, I slipped out of bed. When I reached the common area, I found Chase and Caleb sitting around the dining table. The former saw me first.

"Your sister just stormed out," Chase said, chuckling.

I rolled my eyes. "She's dramatic as fuck," I grumbled, switching my attention over to Caleb. He was focused on his laptop, but looked over when I spoke. "You coming to Elijah's tonight?" I asked, studying him intently. My focus lingered on his hollowed cheekbones and dark circles, and I couldn't help the worry that made its way in. Something was wrong.

"Maybe," Caleb mumbled tiredly, running a hand through his unruly dark hair. He exhaled briefly. "I might stop by for a bit."

"What else do you have to do?" I scoffed, taking a seat on one of the spare chairs.

"Some of us are still in school, Ethan," Caleb deadpanned.

"Fuck you."

His lips twitched in amusement and Chase snickered. Huffing, I twisted towards him. "Are you going to the bars tonight?" I asked, wondering if it was a better idea to join Chase, Damien and Aiden so I wouldn't spend my Saturday night being grilled by my family.

Chase's brows rose. "Yeah, you in?"

"Sophia will kill you," Caleb reminded me nonchalantly.

I hesitated, wondering if it was worth it, before I spoke. "I'll join after then," I told Chase. "Just let me know where you are."

Chase chuckled. "Fucking coward."

I opened my mouth to defend myself, but Caleb beat me to it. "Told you he's terrified of her," he mocked, his previously tired gaze glinting with humor.

"I'm not," I snapped.

Like always, Caleb and Chase ignored me. I rolled my eyes and stood up, knowing it was a waste of my time to protest. I'd rather they think that was the case than mention Rose being there.

I hadn't seen her since my party, and we hadn't been in much contact either. I didn't know if I'd done something wrong and didn't realize it, or if she was pulling away once again because of my on and off behavior. I never knew what the case was with us, but I wasn't unaware that it was all my fault.

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