MENDED: intro + aesthetics

16.7K 242 284

This is the spin-off to Freed, it cannot be read as a stand-alone

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This is the spin-off to Freed, it cannot be read as a stand-alone.


This book is rated mature and will include, but is not limited to, some of the following sensitive content:

-childhood and psychological trauma
-mentions of past abuse (physical, sexual and emotional)
- violence and blood
- sexual content
- drug and alcohol abuse
- mental health and illness
- topics related to suicide and self-harm
- death

Character Aesthetics

Isabella Kingston: 19 years old

Isabella Kingston: 19 years old

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Caleb Kingston: 20 years old

Ethan Kingston: 21 years old

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Ethan Kingston: 21 years old

Ethan Kingston: 21 years old

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MendedOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant