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Izzy's POV

The moment I stirred awake to the sensation of sunlight flooding into my room, it felt like a wound that was just beginning to heal had been cut open again. Everything was raw and sore. I was too aware of every breath I took, reminding me that this was reality and not some nightmare I had overnight.

Everything ached as I mindlessly stared out the floor to ceiling window covering the left side of my room. I didn't know how long I stayed there, silently watching, until I heard my door open. Familiar footsteps that I knew belonged to Caleb treaded into my room.

He sank down on the bed beside me, his hand resting on my waist. "Izzy," Caleb said quietly. "I know you're awake."

I didn't respond.

Caleb waited a long moment before speaking again. "Sophia's here," he told me. "She's downstairs.

I closed my eyes and buried my face deeper in my pillow.

"She has your favorite breakfast ready for you," Caleb's hand shifted to land on my back, where he gently rubbed up and down. The soothing pattern made my eyelids feel heavy again. "It's all for you, Iz."

He was really trying, so I forced myself to try, too. "I'm not hungry," I mumbled, my voice hoarse.

"Then at least get out of bed," he murmured, his hand pausing. "Come downstairs and sit with us."

I shook my head. Caleb released a deep breath, but didn't say anything. A second later, I felt the bed move as he shifted so he was lying right beside me. His arm banded around my curled up frame.

"Turn around," he said gently.

Needing the comfort, I flipped around and curled up as close to Caleb as possible, tucking my head under his chin. His arms tightened around me and I closed my eyes, relishing in the safety his strong embrace provided.

"I know it feels easier to hide in here and not have to face what's going on," he murmured softly. "But this won't do you any good, Izzy. And if you start hiding now, you'll never make it out of this fear you're feeling."

"I just need a day," I breathed out against his hoodie, keeping my eyes closed because I knew that if I opened them I'd start tearing up. "Why can't I just have a day?"

Caleb brushed a kiss against my forehead. "Because it's very easy for one day to turn into more."

I said nothing in response, focusing on my shallow breathing. I counted each breath I took in my head, willing myself to fall back asleep so I wouldn't be forced to face the day. It didn't work, and eventually, Caleb pulled away.

"C'mon," he stood up pulled the blankets off of me. Reluctantly, I opened my eyes and found him looking down at me. His lips curved into a small smile when he saw that I was staring. "Don't make me throw you over my shoulder."

Exhaling deeply through my nose, I forced myself to sit up. Caleb didn't let me stay in that position for long before he was hoisting me off the bed. Throwing his arm around my shoulders, he led me out of my room and down the small set of stairs I had in my apartment that led to the main level.

When we got downstairs, the first person that appeared in my line of sight was Sophia. She was humming to herself as she set up a seat at the table with a variety of foods.

Caleb cleared his throat. Immediately, Sophia halted and spun around, her slate grey gaze centering on me. "Izzy!" Sophia's lips curved into the brightest smile as she moved towards me.

Caleb released me just in time for Sophia to envelop me in her arms.

"I missed you so, so much," Sophia squeezed me tight, rocking us side to side as she gave me her dramatic welcome. I groaned as her hold became stronger until it was at the point of suffocation.

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