Chapter 21

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I got woken up by the sound of my alarm clock going off. Why can't summer last forever! I still has to have my cast on for about a month so I get out of PE for a month or two. I put on my super itchy white school shirt, Black school trousers, tie and black cardigan on and put my black ugg on my left foot. Because I had to hop everywhere my head of year said I could wear I could wear ugg a as they were much comfier. I brushed my hair and left it down, grabbed my school bag and hobbled down the stairs.
I have got much better with stairs over the past few weeks, luckily my school has a lift though so I could just use that at school. Once I was downstairs I ate a bowl of cereal and milk and grabbed a banana before we all had to jump in the car to go to school.
" OMG!" A year 7 said as they walked up to Lily and I.
"Are you Amelia?" Another asked.
"Yeah I'm Amelia. Why?" I asked.
" Can I get a picture please?" She asked.
"Sure!" I said. Oh god this is where the popularity starts!
"Have you been recognised?" Levi said as he sat down on the same table as Lily and I at lunch.
" yeah, have you?" I replied taking a bite out of an apple.
" I have, It's year 7's." He continued.
" It's because they know about Zoe and Joe." Lily added.
" Just say yes to stuff! (yes I know how cheesy that sounds!😂😂)" Levi started. " They will leave us alone next week. they are probably just a bit excited."
"Some are quite strange." I said," One asked if mum knew what the baby was and another asked if we could get Zoe and Joe to come in."
" Change the subject sis. I've got to go, I have to finish off some maths stuff" he said, then he left. I can always rely on Levi.

Living in a dream world: a Zalfie and ThatcherJoe fanfic.Where stories live. Discover now