8 | Fight

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ℭ𝔥. 8

Elisa pov:

"Shoot!" I hissed through my teeth when one of my second set of blades broke. It hadn't broken too far down till the hilt and I planned to not change it until it did.

It had been a couple of hours since the battle against the Titans had begun. Evacuation was almost done but there had been many casualties, only increasing from the Titans that continued to enter Trost. I had managed to kill four Titans with the ametuer skill I possessed as a cadet, though I was probably far better off than most of the others I had trained with. Still, it had not been without repercussions – my energy was hanging by a thread, my gas was depleting fast despite having refilled it once in the middle, and my left hip throbbed from the impact it had suffered thanks to a Titan slamming me with its hand. It was sheer luck that the Titan was a smaller one, 3 meter class, and I had dealt with it before it swung a fatal blow.

"Where are the others?" I wondered out loud, my eyes scanning the streets and roofs for my comrades.

My stomach tumbled at the sight of a few people I recognized lying on the ground, two even in pieces. Before I could take a turn mid-air to regroup with a few I could see a couple of streets away, a Titan jumped out from behind a wall where it was hiding. Its ambush gave me no time to escape and it grabbed me around the torso with both hands before it landed on the ground. Adrenaline rushed through me while I gazed at the grotesque face of the Titan that was already lifting me to its mouth to devour me.

"Let go of me!" I spat, thrusting my blades into its hands. It paused, twitching from the pain I had caused, and tightened its hold on me to nearly crush me. The ruthless pressure sent a jolt of excruciating pain throughout my body that had me screaming.

I don't want to die! I can't die! My mind screamed despite the cloudiness of it from the agony I was in. I was certain that the Titan had broken my ribs.

Still holding me tight, I was brought closer to the Titan's mouth that reeked of blood from all the humans it had previously devoured. It roused immense queasiness but I pushed the feeling down to stab its eyes before I was eaten. It screamed and dropped me to cover its eyes. I had only a few minutes to escape, and that's exactly what I did.

My aching ribs did not let me get farther than into the nearest pulverized building. Stumbling to the far corner that was dark and slightly shielding from view from the street, I collapsed. I gagged from the recollection of the stench of blood and breath-stink, then emptied the contents of my stomach in a nearby broken bin, wheezing from the immense strain it put on my torso. Exhausted and in too much pain, I blacked out.

The sound of thundering footsteps woke me with a start. I had to slap a hand over my mouth to muffle the sound that threatened to escape my lips. My lungs burned as if they had been stripped of all air and the slightest movement hurt my entire body. I was motionless for a long while, until I felt only throbbing as I slowly straightened. It was imperative that I assessed my situation and what was going on outside.

Contrary to what I had assumed when the last Titan had caught me, I realized that my ribs were only badly bruised, not broken. It was some consolation, though did not completely ensure my survival. If I couldn't move, I would not be able to escape.

From what I could see through the shattered window, it was nearing sunset. Quite a while had gone by while I was unconscious. I couldn't linger.

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