4 | World of Titans

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ℭ𝔥. 4

Judy pov:

Again, I thought, opening my eyes as Elisa.

Unlike the dream last night - or rather two nights ago, since I had not slept for two days straight - I was not in bloody streets amongst screaming people and towering Titans, but amid a crowd of agitated people waiting to board huge ships that were to depart to Wall Rose. Inner Wall Maria was a few hundred meters away, serving as protection from the Titans that had overrun Shiganshina. The soldiers were doing their best to hold them off further while evacuation progressed.

"Hurry up, kid," said a soldier, snapping me out of my daze.

He grabbed my upper arm and helped me onto the second boat and I was instantly almost squished between the people there. I shuffled through them with grunts until I was near the wall of the inside deck, and winced at the sudden jolt of pain that shot through my body starting from my left arm. Looking down, I noticed that my arm was in a sling, a splint tied to it - it wasn't broken but badly hurt, it seemed, wrapped in bandages that had become bloody from the blood that had seeped through. The pain was intense, and a bit numbing too, rendering my entire arm useless.

My gaze shifted to those around me - most had expressions of fear and appeared as if they had lost hope for living. It was obvious that they were mourning too, since nearly all had lost members of their family to the Titans. Whether they had witnessed the brutality firsthand or not like me though, was unknown.

Recalling the death of Janine and Noah roused queasiness in me, so much I that I gagged. Slapping a hand over my mouth, I shut my eyes and hunched, desperately wishing to not throw up.

The feeling vanished when a loud crashing noise reached my ears. Looking up, my eyes went wide at the sight of the gate of inner Wall Maria completely destroyed. A bulky Titan with armored skin all over its body had bulldozed through it, leaving a huge hole in the wall for other Titans to come through. It roused more fear and agitation in the people still waiting to be evacuated, making them desperately beg to be helped before they were caught and devoured by the monsters.

"What's got into you, Eren?" I heard a voice just as the boat I was on departed.

Tensing, I tore my eyes away from the Armored Titan to three children who were a little away from me - the boy and the girl I had seen a couple of times before along with another boy with blonde hair and blue eyes. Eren was stepping to the walls of the boat with a murderous glare directed at the Armored Titan. Grasping the wall of the boat with his hands tightly while tears rolled down his cheeks, he said, "I will wipe them out! I will wipe out every last one of them from this world!"

He was enraged, and I could only guess that he had gone through something like me. It made my eyes prickle, immense sadness replacing the sickness of my stomach. Though a dream, the loss of Janine and Noah was too painful. They were the only family I had ever had and had given me a home and love and care and concern that I had always yearned for. For them to have been stripped from me so savagely was more than saddening - I was angry too, wishing to destroy the Titans that had killed them. Surely there were so many others who had suffered such a cruel fate and they did not deserve it no matter what.

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