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A couple hours later
Oh shit. I shouldn't have rushed out on her . I loved the kiss ,the way her soft lips felt against mine but I remembered who I am and I can't continue anything with her . I don't want to drag her into my imperfect world . She would definitely get hurt .
I was going into my study when Matteo approached me . "We are heading to the club to how things are going , u wanna come ?" He asked waiting for my answer . U know what I could use something to distract me from thinking about her . "Sure ,let's go ." I replied hoping this whole distract me a little bit .
Maybe I'll find a girl to help me with that .
A little later
I'm sitting in the private floor with a stripper dancing on my lap when I got a glimpse of a certain red head . What the fuck is she doing here and grinding on that guy . She was dressed in a short black dress that complimented all her curves . I wanted to go and grab her from his arms but something stopped me . I can't do this . But then he started to kiss her . I coudnt ignore it and pushed the stripper off my lap . I pulled her off of him and started hitting him repeatedly I couldn't stop .
"Stop please , ur gonna k-i-l-l him pl-e-ase ," came her soft voice . She reached out her hand to grab mine and that's when I stopped . She looked so scared it broke my heart . I grabbed her arm and pulled her outside to my car . I don't know what this will lead to but I don't want to let her go right now . Not after seeing her in his arms .
I put her in the front seat and sped off to my house .
"Wait where are we going ?" She asked so softly I barely heard her voice . I ignored her and continued driving I'm so mad right now .
I heard soft sniffles and when I looked over I saw her crying . Oh shit I made her cry . "I'm sorry baby I'm not mad at u , please stop crying ," I tried my best to speak softly and calmly. I used my free hand to wipe away her tears . She stopped crying but didn't say anything and just started playing with my fingers . She seems interested in my rings . I smiled quietly and continued driving .

Ok ,I know they are moving a bit fast but I hate prolonging their meeting and chasing lmao .
Who would have thought u would find the innocent girl grinding on a guy in the club .hahahah . Not so innocent eh 🙄 .

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