Shi Qijun couldn't help putting the cold water in his hand on the table when he watched it, because he felt that he gasped when he watched it, it was so cold.

Xiu Ruihua shuddered, quickly took out the ice cube, and then looked at the ice cube that was already dripping water in his hand, his face turned hard, and he stuck it directly to his face.


Shi Qijun swallowed, and hurried away.

This scene looked so tragic, Shi Qijun looked back and looked at Xiu Ruihua who had thrown away the ice and was trembling, feeling that a conspiracy was about to hit his face!

Looking at the time, Baozi is almost waking up, Shi Qijun prepared the food for Baozi and walked out of the kitchen, looked at Xiu Ruiqing who was sitting on the sofa with a serious expression, looked around, but did not find Xiu Ruihua , I am even more curious about Xiu Ruihua's self-abuse behavior early in the morning.

"Morning!" "


Shi Qijun didn't get a reply from Xiu Ruiqing, but only got a puzzled look from Xiu Ruiqing?

Doubtful eyes? Shi Qijun felt that nothing was right when he woke up this morning.

Early in the morning, Xiu Ruihua abused himself, and Xiu Ruiqing was like losing his memory.

That's right, Shi Qijun looked Xiu Ruiqing up and down, he was right just now, the look in Xiu Ruiqing's eyes is the kind of doubt about who you are...

amnesia? do not know him?

For a while, Qi Jun felt mixed feelings. This guy fucked him not long after they met, and then asked him to put on buns. Now that the two children are born, and they were chasing closely before, this time they pretended not to know each other?

Shi Qijun felt that Xiao Baozi was interpreting the current events for him yesterday.


Shi Qijun is very calm now, he just raised his eyebrows, looked at Xiu Ruiqing with a smile on the corner of his mouth, raised his chin, and signaled to continue.

Perhaps because of yesterday's little bun incident, Shi Qijun felt that he had almost connected today's events together, Xiu Ruihua's dark circles and self-abuse behavior, and Xiu Ruiqing's weirdness, before joining forces with Xiu Ruihua Come up with an idea, Xiu Ruiqing executes the event! Shi Qijun is 100% sure that this must be Xiu Ruihua's idea again.

It's just...

Although he knew this, Shi Qijun still felt the uncomfortable feeling in his heart at the beginning.

What is he uncomfortable about? Shi Qijun looked at Xiu Ruiqing who was silent -

was it because the man named Xiu Ruiqing looked at him like a stranger?

Shi Qijun didn't know why he didn't hesitate at all about this idea, and he even breathed a sigh of relief after knowing that Xiu Ruiqing was pretending.

"..." After clearing the thoughts in his mind, Shi Qijun looked at Xiu Ruiqing with puzzled eyes very cooperatively, meaning who are you?

Of course, it would be better if the smile on Shi Qijun's mouth was ignored.

Xiu Ruiqing kept looking at Shi Qijun, watching the doubts in his eyes turn into discomfort, although the discomfort was only for a short time, it soon turned into interest, and then even teased, squinting his eyes slightly with doubts Xiu Ruiqing felt his heartbeat speed up a lot at that time when he looked at him.

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