This is not a question of whether one should or should not, but a question of whether one is qualified.

This is an entanglement between Shi Qijun and Xiu Ruiqing, the outcome depends on themselves.

For Xiu Ruihua's question, Huang Siqi didn't feel offended, because Xiu Ruihua's tone was not just for Xiu Ruiqing, Qi Jun felt that he could still hear it.

"I don't know. I feel that your attitude towards my brother was a bit strange. You seemed very defensive at first. I can understand this. After all, the first time between you and my brother was so dramatic." Looking narrowly at Shi Qi Jun, when Xiu Ruihua thought of this incident, he thought it was very funny. At that time, his brother came back with those two wolf dogs. After waking him up, he said something straight, saying that he accidentally fell asleep.

"What are you laughing at?" Xiu Ruihua smiled inexplicably, and looked at him and turned his head to cover his mouth. Shi Qijun felt that his smile must be tricky.

"I remembered what my brother told me about the night he and you were together. At that time, I laughed so hard that my brother couldn't find you when he woke up. He just left a note and sent your dog away. I brought it back. Then it proved that the dog is not yours. It belongs to Liao Jinnian, hahaha." Holding his stomach, Xiu Ruihua didn't care so much, and laughed out loud. "It's the first time I've seen such a silly Xiu Ruiqing."

"Ahem, let's get to the point." After coughing twice, Shi Qijun felt that this topic was not suitable to continue. This is clearly about his thoughts on Xiu Ruiqing, why did he go wrong all of a sudden?

"Well, after your attitude towards my brother was a little wary, it became a complete passerby's attitude, and then my brother treated you under my teaching... You actually already knew about the fact that I advised my brother Now, I won't say more." Speaking of this, Xiu Ruihua was a little embarrassed, after all, this is not something glorious.

"My brother got closer to you little by little, and your attitude towards my brother gradually became better, but one day my brother came back and told me that you actually agreed to live in with our family." Xiu Ruihua looked at Shi Qi who had not shown any emotion. Jun, sigh. "At that time, I began to doubt your purpose. You actually know a little bit about my brother's identity, so you actually wanted to use my brother at that time, right?" "Yes." Shi Qijun replied very simply and directly

. Tell Xiu Ruihua that he had no good intentions to let Xiu Ruiqing live in, otherwise who would let a person who was pursuing him live in, and at that time he was still pregnant with the suitor's child.

"You are true and sincere." Shi Qijun answered too simply, Xiu Ruihua didn't know whether he should face Shi Qijun with an angry expression or a disappointed expression. "I don't even know whether to grin at you or yell [you are a bad person]."

Xiu Ruihua was a little listless, but he quickly thought about it, using something, and then solved it by accident The crisis of Xiu family, this is also a good thing.

"Afterwards, your attitude towards my brother gradually changed from being a little disgusted to getting used to it, and finally it became a matter of course." Xiu Ruihu didn't care, he directly threw this sentence to Shi Qijun. Seeing Shi Qijun stunned for a moment, he felt a sense of satisfaction in his heart, and he finally said these words.

During this period of time, both he and Liao Jinnian have noticed Shi Qijun's attitude towards his brother, otherwise Liao Jinnian would not have said that suddenly one day. Switching camps is actually a very important thing, but Shi Qijun Just ignore it.

Shi Qijun was startled by Xiu Ruihua's last words.

Take it for granted?

Has he taken Xiu Ruiqing's treatment for granted?

This...this...was...when did it happen, why didn't he feel it at all? Shi Qijun tried his best to recall the previous events, when Xiu Ruiqing was eating, in normal times, about the incident a month ago, he subconsciously called Xiu Ruiqing.

Later, because he was emotionally unstable, he took this matter for granted and left it behind him, and he didn't think about these things after returning to the countryside.

Has he taken Xiu Rui for granted?

Shi Qijun was distressed, holding Wuqing and already lost in his own thoughts.

Xiu Ruihua looked at Shi Qijun like this, sighed softly, then walked lightly, crept to the stairs, opened the door that was closed just now, tried not to make a sound, opened the door viciously, bit by bit, Push yourself out the door. The door closed little by little.

Suddenly, the door opened an arc again, and Xiu Ruihua, who should have gone far away, poked his head out, glanced at Shi Qijun ghostly, and found that he was still in a daze, with a relieved expression on his face.

When the door was closed, Xiu Ruihua lowered his voice into the phone, "Brother, sister-in-law is trying to figure it out, you can help me by looking up the information."

"Of course?" For the first time, Shi Qijun felt that this word had so many meanings. He took Xiu Ruiqing's overtures for granted. He took Xiu Ruiqing for granted. He took Xiu Ruiqing for granted. He took it for granted here, and he still felt disobedient and uneasy when he learned that they would leave. Even a little sad.

"Wuqing, you said..." Am I in love with Xiu Ruiqing? Shi Qijun didn't dare to say this sentence, he didn't know if it was just an illusion guided by Xiu Ruihua, or the truth.

"Ah." When Wuqing spoke, he had already confirmed that Xiu Ruihua was gone. "What do you want these for? If you like them, you can take them home and keep them." "

To put it simply, you know my past life, right?" Shi Qijun looked at Wu Qing, stretched out his hand and gently stroked her. With Wuqing. "I don't know if I will..."

"Go ahead." Rubbing Shi Qijun's palm, Wuqing said encouragingly to Shi Qijun. In fact, Qi Jun has been afraid all the time, afraid of meeting Zhang Maohong again, and giving his heart to a scum again.

He couldn't afford to be born again.

"I don't know if I will doubt other people's intentions for me. I don't seem to trust anyone now. The people around me say that they got together because of me, but they are actually used by me. Yes Because I thought they were useful, I left them here."

Covering his face, Shi Qijun felt that the corners of his eyes were a little wet. He smiled at the round ball in front of him. "Don't worry, I'm fine. In fact, it seems that I have nothing wrong, but I'm always on guard against them. And I keep testing them, as long as they have a little bad place, I will start to be wary of them. "

No, although you did this, but no one knows, so you just don't say it, you see, I am on your side, and you have two children, he is also on your side , and..."

"You can bring Xiu Ruiqing to your side, he will definitely rush to bite someone when someone bullies you."

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